rspec users - Apr 2007

Monday April 30 2007
8:20PM 4 Mocking with Calculated Results
7:28PM 7 Migrating spec_helper with modifications
3:51PM 3 svn head api url?
Saturday April 28 2007
2:39PM 7 [ rspec-Patches-9605 ] Patch for ER 9472, shared behaviour
Friday April 27 2007
4:07PM 2 Newlines breaking "should have_tag :text =>" specs
3:54PM 0 it "should ...", encouraging "should" via it_should
9:58AM 3 Problem at the start
Wednesday April 25 2007
7:16AM 9 Running specs for a plugin - undefined method ''define'' for object
Tuesday April 24 2007
9:06PM 0 Command line changes on trunk (0.9 beta)
Friday April 20 2007
9:48PM 7 Stubbing w/ block?
4:48PM 1 speccing a call to break
3:20PM 5 stubbing with and without a string
8:15AM 0 Version numbers
7:48AM 1 simply_helpful and edge
7:12AM 1 getting controller specs to work on edge
6:24AM 0 svn url for trunk
Thursday April 19 2007
5:15AM 1 Spec''ing Namespaced Controllers
12:07AM 5 Best practice thoughts: Model helpers, mocks
Wednesday April 18 2007
11:24AM 2 spec''ing a call to exit
1:28AM 1 Scaffolding Specs
Tuesday April 17 2007
11:00PM 3 using rake db:fixtures:load with rspec fixtures
3:36PM 8 Verifying that a block calls a method
2:08PM 8 problem with rspec_on_rails and @controller.should_receive(:render) in trunk
9:44AM 1 controller.should render_action ?
3:08AM 1 updating textmate bundle
2:23AM 7 rspec with CI
Monday April 16 2007
2:07PM 4 before before and after after
9:29AM 0 Fwd: ANN: FlexMock 0.6.0 Released
Friday April 13 2007
6:59PM 3 rspec on rails won''t install
11:55AM 4 mock out render call in helper
7:34AM 0 ZenTest 3.5 & RSpec 0.9
6:31AM 21 ZenTest autotest now handles RSpec, yay!
4:22AM 1 spec''ing out a trap/SIGINT
2:46AM 1 File.should be_exist?
1:54AM 0 ANN 0.9-beta-2
12:59AM 1 HTML report and Spec::Ui improvements
Thursday April 12 2007
10:53PM 3 specing class methods
6:21PM 6 RSpec part of two (count ''em, two) GSoC projects
12:55PM 11 Test if view renders appropriate partial?
8:12AM 1 rspec on rails: undefined method ''controller_name''
5:33AM 0 dumping data to yaml in specs
Wednesday April 11 2007
7:03PM 12 redirection doesn''t get detected well?
4:30PM 3 Suggestion: put svn url under "Contribute" section of site
3:58PM 4 RSpec plugin for RadRails
2:07PM 10 DRYer controller specs
11:57AM 5 Default exclude pattern in 0.9.0
12:21AM 13 View Specs Fail with "protected method render"
Tuesday April 10 2007
8:56PM 5 using YAML for --failures and --examples
12:15PM 6 getting output of STDOUT in spec
1:55AM 0 Having some trouble with rspec on rails.
Monday April 9 2007
8:07PM 10 changes in 0.8 and greater - should_
5:37AM 7 RCov results seem to include the spec files
Sunday April 8 2007
10:49PM 1 rcov with rspec & rails
10:28PM 2 typos in a tutorial page
Saturday April 7 2007
2:27AM 5 Integration Specs On Rails
Friday April 6 2007
1:30AM 3 Mocking Authentication
1:17AM 0 trunk is now ... trunk
Thursday April 5 2007
12:55PM 3 Extending assigns in controller specs?
Wednesday April 4 2007
6:34PM 1 moving 0.9 to trunk
4:33PM 11 ANN: RSpec 0.9.0 beta-1 available for download.
3:43PM 1 pontential bug in rspec_on_rails and ActiveRecord transactions
4:07AM 0 rspec_plugin generator
Sunday April 1 2007
4:57PM 4 rake w/rspec
2:50PM 11 --color doesn''t work with --drb w/rspec_autotest