Hello all.
In this example, as i understand that *included* block is running when
Exclaimable module is included in Person and *after* a Person class methods
are 'initialized'
> require 'active_support/concern'
> module Exclaimable
> extend ActiveSupport::Concern
> included do
> self.new.hello
> end
> end
> class Person
> include Exclaimable
> def hello
> puts 'person hello'
> end
> end
Output: Exception: NoMethodError: undefined method `hello' for
But i see that, Person class doesn't have hello method, why ? Please, help
So, i can't understand - what diifference between
> included do
> self.new.hello
> end
and class method:
> self.included(base)
> base.new.hello
> end
Both code get same error ( see above )
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