how to write “Destroy kid” in cucumber: Scenario: User can delete kids Given I am on the kids page When I Destroy kid Then I should see "Kid deleted successfully" Then one kid should not exist <h1>Listing kids</h1> <tr> <th>Kid name</th> <th colspan=3>Action</th> </tr> <% @kids.each do |kid| %> <tr> <td><%= kid.kid_name %></td> <td><%= link_to ''Show'', kid %></td> <td><%= link_to ''Edit'', edit_kid_path(kid) %></td> <td><%= link_to ''Destroy'', kid, method: :delete, data: { confirm: ''Are you sure?'' } %></td> </tr> <% end %> <%= link_to ''New Kid'', new_kid_path %> what to write in definition: When /^I Destroy kid$/ do #what to write...... end Please suggest me. Thank you -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rubyonrails-talk+unsubscribe-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To view this discussion on the web visit For more options, visit