Rails - Aug 2013

Saturday August 31 2013
10:18PM 5 Basic doubt in MVC - RoR
1:25AM 2 Search Multiple Categories
Friday August 30 2013
4:31PM 3 not able to find Gem file netbeans
12:33PM 3 frozen? is defined by ActiveRecord
12:30PM 0 how to retrieve an aray of only specific attributes in rails 2.3
8:00AM 1 Insert row in one table and after save I want that Id in another table to be saved
Thursday August 29 2013
9:51PM 2 Puma fails when it restarts itself
8:31PM 10 Concatenate two arrays
8:03PM 2 Error layout
7:48PM 0 RIA4: Having an issue with my sign_in_as! helper method I've defined in my integration tests
7:48PM 4 linkedin gem
7:16PM 2 Need a bit help on "module_function" method
3:33PM 0 Where is the code that lets you override the templates that the generators use?
2:42PM 4 Using Match with Regexp-Do not quite understand the formula
1:29PM 1 Why is the behaviour of ActiveRecord method_missing different between rails 3.2 and 4.0 ?
12:33PM 4 Weird behaviour using ssl connection (OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError)
10:33AM 5 Problem when using bundle exec rake with Launchd
8:25AM 3 ruby connect oracle problem
Wednesday August 28 2013
7:21PM 0 Appropriate method for no-op AR Query chain
2:33PM 4 Deploying Rails 4 to VPS
12:57AM 0 [JOBS] Ruby on Rails Super Hero (Boston Area) - FTE or Contractor!
Tuesday August 27 2013
10:05PM 2 trying to create asset management app having trouble with edit page
10:20AM 11 Why NaN.class throws NameError ?
2:53AM 1 Using Ruby Gems On Ruby On Rails
Monday August 26 2013
8:39PM 2 linkedin login using omniauth
7:42PM 8 fetch the Hash from a string
2:24PM 0 rails_csi gem vs rails
7:50AM 2 [JOBS] Ruby on Rails - Freelancing
7:36AM 0 [JOBS] Senior Ruby on Rails Developer - Bangalore, India
Sunday August 25 2013
5:32PM 1 EMail Validations--Multiple Regexes
10:47AM 0 football.db Now Includes Web Admin Rails Engine - mount SportDbAdmin::Engine
Saturday August 24 2013
10:49PM 2 Junior Ruby developer searching for remote job
10:35PM 1 RoR integration with Siteminder?
Friday August 23 2013
6:37PM 1 post rendering templates
4:56PM 0 Any file upload and strong parameters examples
4:40PM 2 Impressão
11:25AM 4 No route matches [POST]
11:09AM 6 [JOBS] Looking for a freelance web developer
10:28AM 0 app: rake task namespacing for new engines.
Thursday August 22 2013
9:29PM 12 RSpec vs. Cucumber
7:56PM 2 I am getting a ' undefined method error ' when saving a comment
3:24PM 1 How do I deal with ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed:
10:48AM 1 duplicated log lines in console
9:33AM 0 Top 10 Sites Built with Ruby on Rails
9:07AM 3 Devise Gem
Wednesday August 21 2013
11:59PM 2 How to present Rails form datetime select in different time zone?
11:59PM 1 Regarding the design of ActiveSupport::TimeZone
8:51PM 3 syntax error, unexpected tRPAREN raised in server log
6:57PM 0 Recommendation on good framework to manage help content
6:01PM 1 Rails tutorial; CRD working, U failing
2:01PM 0 Multiple scope routes
9:42AM 3 Why are generators not menus or prompts?
Tuesday August 20 2013
9:19PM 1 Cannot save object instance to database (Rails 3)
Monday August 19 2013
6:54PM 2 What is this error
4:02PM 0 Multiple search forms and search engines
10:33AM 0 uninitialized constant ApplicationController::FedenaSetting
3:55AM 0 How to write TDD by Rspec with background_job using workers
Sunday August 18 2013
8:08PM 0 Nested Model Form Problem
10:15AM 0 Call nested _path helper without any arguments
1:28AM 1 Rails not loading precompiled assets
Saturday August 17 2013
9:04PM 4 Track views in Rails app
3:08PM 2 Capybara with AJAX
2:54PM 2 Add Functional Test to test:functionals Task
Friday August 16 2013
12:15AM 9 Converting a Time to a String and Back in Rails 4.0.0
Thursday August 15 2013
8:17PM 0 Strange rake test issue on rails 2.4 to 3.0.20 upgrade
6:53PM 5 Join table query question
5:12PM 0 has_secure_attribute .....since has_secure_password only works with passwords
3:05PM 0 ActionController::Live in development without "config.cache_classes = true"?
2:01PM 0 Any experience or thoughts about Stormpath and their like?
12:43PM 3 Thoughts on a domain based white label app?
6:56AM 4 Padwan needs help!
Wednesday August 14 2013
8:30PM 2 Working with dynamic fields
11:53AM 2 Rails undefined method `model_name' in form partial
6:53AM 1 ruby on rails return json to ajax
5:09AM 1 I'm making online test program with Rails 3.
Tuesday August 13 2013
8:52PM 1 Line break retention in simple_format
6:35PM 0 [JOBS] Ruby on rails developer
6:07PM 0 New blog post on making ruby app deployments smooth!
5:47PM 2 Database table for 2-dimensional array
4:14PM 1 How do I change the jQuery version of a page?
3:30PM 1 Added new Rails controller using “generate controller” but can't load page
11:59AM 1 how to call method in one application from another application in ruby on rails
11:50AM 8 content_tag inside content_tag
6:50AM 5 Merging two images.
6:36AM 2 Rails v4 with Raspberry Pi
4:05AM 1 Sharing post via email on social Q and A site
Monday August 12 2013
7:30PM 1 Session variable in default_scope
3:26PM 13 a newbie questionadding database field to a model basing only on schema (without model regeneration)
Sunday August 11 2013
6:02PM 1 Can't connect to localhost:3000
1:52PM 2 Volunteers required on a Rails Open Source project
12:23PM 2 link_to image_tag external url
4:17AM 1 Problem with rake db:populate on chapter 10.3.2
3:44AM 1 Rails Guides publishing delay?
Saturday August 10 2013
8:41AM 2 Problem getting Nginx & Unicorn to work for Railo 4 on Ubuntu 12.04
8:39AM 5 Nginx & Unicorn setup
Friday August 9 2013
9:15PM 1 Duplicating a Paperclip attachment without running processors?
7:15PM 1 Global protocol setting for all url helpers?
6:16PM 0 Dynamically loaded assets in Rails 4 and Turbolinks
5:04PM 1 accessing the changed? method for an overridden attribute
5:01PM 0 [JOBS] Open Full-Time RoR role in NYC or Cincinnati. Immediate start!
4:12PM 1 Pre Registration and Single Passwords
3:47PM 2 I cannot cannot connec the mysql2 gem
8:55AM 1 Order on join model
Thursday August 8 2013
8:00PM 4 other css design framework like bootstrap
7:08PM 9 Images with fingerprinting
5:29PM 1 Find URL paramenters from a string
4:54PM 4 Remote form in popover processing as html
10:59AM 0 Re: Dificuldade
10:51AM 0 Adwords API get keywords with ruby on rails
8:37AM 1 Rails 4 , how to validate form with remote tag on client side?
Wednesday August 7 2013
8:09PM 2 Unable to connect Mysql2 or Sqlite3 on windows
4:28PM 6 Getting started with rails guide: Encountering problems at Section 5.1
3:20PM 2 What's the proper way to delete all associated children in one SQL statement, with AR 4.0 ?
3:10PM 0 Rails devise functionality with orient database
2:55PM 1 Recommendation for out of box solution for subscription-based content platform?
9:59AM 1 Paperclip s3 copy image
8:34AM 2 Issue with mering ActiveRecord query results
8:19AM 1 How to allow email blank in user table which is created using devise and cancan.
Tuesday August 6 2013
11:59AM 2 Nested resources routing to same action
9:48AM 2 I need help in cloning a website
9:02AM 1 Some checks I needed for any PDF files please help how can I do it.
3:15AM 2 Invalid auth token on production site
1:08AM 2 Rails 4 Turbolinks make js not working as expected
Monday August 5 2013
3:39PM 1 Hello from Pittsburgh
2:01PM 2 Taking advantage of Ruby on Rails Asset Compiler
1:41PM 1 File transfer via SOAP
1:33PM 1 RailsEnv error when trying to start Apache
11:09AM 2 store multiple checkbox values in single column of table
Sunday August 4 2013
5:02PM 0 Receive large file via SOAP
Saturday August 3 2013
4:45PM 0 Redactor integration problem
2:55PM 0 serving D3
8:49AM 0 select_year and date_select tag??
Friday August 2 2013
11:24PM 1 RoR developer for start-up [Europe/remotely]
9:04PM 1 Just passing this along: Free Book
5:50PM 0 Jobs- Ruby on Rails Engineer - California- Good Base+Bonus+Stock options in Strong company
9:47AM 4 Ruby on Rails Interview Questions and Answers for all Ruby Lovers.
1:20AM 0 Stack Overflow hasn't been able to answer my Rspec question thus far.
Thursday August 1 2013
6:37PM 1 Rails multistep form with ajax
3:34PM 0 OmniAuth routing callback difference between rails 3.1 and rails 3.2
2:56PM 7 Validations not working on complex DB transaction
11:28AM 5 Required :Embed voice recorder on a webpage for a rural innovation project
6:07AM 0 Rails + Firebird (legacy database)
5:56AM 1 Looking for a job
2:48AM 0 Protecting user privacy with CanCan