Rails - Sep 2013

Monday September 30 2013
9:46PM 0 TypeError: no implicit conversion of Symbol into Hash when submitting form to upload files
11:16AM 1 Checkbox help ;)
10:14AM 2 Get username of currently logged windows user.
6:02AM 2 Ruby on Rails ExecJS::RuntimeError in Pages#home
Sunday September 29 2013
7:11AM 2 body of email not displaying with attachments in rails2.3.5
Saturday September 28 2013
10:26PM 2 Test automation framework using Rspec +watir/Selenium directions
8:14PM 1 Rails 4: routing error when mounting an engine in a Rails app as explained in Rails guides
2:56AM 0 Two internal database in one Environment
Friday September 27 2013
7:07PM 0 JOBS - Urgent - Looking for Ruby on Rails Professionals - Contract - Long term - Las Vegas, NV
7:05PM 0 ActiveRecord::UnknownAttributeError
7:05PM 1 notaion: Hash[*array_variable.flatten]
4:34PM 0 Incorrect request.original_url returned by rails. Is this a Bug?
3:19PM 1 employee task assignment
1:41PM 1 Gem install fails due to invalid option
11:03AM 0 Hiring Ruby on Rails Developers, #ROR #rubyonrails
10:06AM 1 Why am I getting nil errors in create_time_zone_conversion_attribute? How to fix?
7:32AM 0 how to write “Destroy kid” in cucumber
Thursday September 26 2013
10:57PM 1 show.html.erb and html tags
9:51PM 0 Fetch the user albums and photos
9:35PM 1 find total months passed between two ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone objects
7:15PM 1 Problems with ActionMailer
5:55PM 4 Rails Misconfigured - Missing Welcome Page
5:49PM 0 Devise Invitable and Validations -- what's the right way to do this?
5:32PM 0 What am I missing? Finished setting up Rails environment.
4:52PM 2 form_for is always posting to "new" despite url: parameter being set
4:26PM 0 Web Project Need
1:50PM 0 Production quality Rails 4 chat demo?
12:44PM 3 SHA1 and Carrierwave duplicate image test
7:43AM 2 Login Problem
4:54AM 1 Differentiate Client & browser http call
Wednesday September 25 2013
10:03PM 0 Using helpers in custom view location
3:17PM 3 Can't connect to default rails page.
12:24PM 1 Is it possible to deploy Ruby on Rails on Amazon AWS?
10:34AM 1 Advice on db/model relationships in RoR
9:43AM 1 Merge 3 uploaded videos On SERVER SIDE.
9:41AM 0 Merge 3 uploaded videos
8:41AM 3 Moderation in RoR app
8:01AM 0 Re: Abridged summary of rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFFw@public.gmane.org - 17 Messages in 8 Topics
1:30AM 0 Session in Rails_API gem
Tuesday September 24 2013
6:44PM 9 How to communicate a web app with destkop app?
3:52PM 0 [JOBS] RoR consulting roles in New York City, massive commercial web development.
2:55PM 3 What is the best way to convert a currency string 'USD' to locale :en-US?
11:17AM 1 Datepicker not showing proper field
4:02AM 0 What are the benefits of ruby on rails development?
Monday September 23 2013
10:54PM 0 400 bad request
10:40PM 0 Best way to clear cache of layouts
6:48PM 1 redirect on browser success, but redirect on functional test is error
12:12PM 3 Two ruby processes are running for one Rails app
12:01PM 3 Fwd: How to save file to s3 after processing by ffmpeg using carrierwave
10:53AM 0 submit-a-single-form-to-same-user-model-with-many-user-i
2:23AM 1 errors.on equilvalent on Rails 4
Sunday September 22 2013
5:24PM 1 Strong parameters with has_many gives “no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer”
3:08PM 0 [JOBS] Looking for Devs in India to work at US on Rhomobile
Saturday September 21 2013
10:32PM 1 Need help to understand the difference between #dup and #clone while working singleton methods
11:55AM 3 Multitenancy and the options to realise it in rails4
Friday September 20 2013
8:31PM 3 having problem to install the gem `mysql`
2:36PM 0 PRIME-RAILS Suite of components for RAILS
11:49AM 1 How to increase the css and js file loading speed in rails 3
7:30AM 6 Retrieve duration (in string format) from database and convert to Ruby syntax for calculation
Thursday September 19 2013
7:13PM 0 CRUD model in a bootstrap modal with jquery, ajax - best practice
5:18PM 0 Introducing Web Console [Google Summer of Code 2013 Project]
4:51PM 0 Performance problem generating URL for thousands of images, due to hitting HDD for each one
4:41PM 6 Introducing Web Console 1.0 [Google Summer of Code 2013 Project]
10:05AM 2 Create a Functional Test for Session Controller
9:02AM 0 problem with change Model url for rails_admin
Wednesday September 18 2013
9:30PM 0 Sr. RoR Developer - Kendall Square
9:29PM 0 Ruby on Rails Developer Role - Kendall Square
6:20PM 0 JOBS - Sr. Ruby on Rails Engineer @ Austin, TX
1:11PM 2 Accessing model attributes in ActiveSupport::Concern module
6:48AM 0 tar2rubyscript and rubyscript2exe for rails 3.x
5:55AM 4 overriding view page in core module through rails plugin
Tuesday September 17 2013
7:59PM 2 Unable to override methods built with alias_method_chain
7:21PM 0 CSS Sass not loading at all on some pages
5:27PM 2 Rails 4 - undefined method build in using strong parameters
5:52AM 0 JOB - Ruby on Rails Developer - Melbourne, Australia
5:43AM 4 Rails 4 deprecation of in-place edit methods for collection associations
3:56AM 5 RVM Path issue when I run RVM -V
Monday September 16 2013
10:28PM 4 Looking for best tutorial for someone brand new to this type of programming
10:26PM 0 Sportbook - Open Source Football Betting Pool Ready for Champions League 2013/14 in Rails
8:14PM 0 On Screen Expert - Rails help
11:16AM 4 Translate tag (I18n.t) in ruby on rails not having CSS formatting applied
11:12AM 0 Devise: How to operate on individual accounts?
9:22AM 0 Aliveshoes.com Ruby full stack Europe/us
Sunday September 15 2013
2:51PM 1 DateTime now
11:48AM 1 Why does Rails convert scopes to downcase
11:12AM 2 Getting Started with Ruby - Guide
Saturday September 14 2013
1:30PM 2 Devise alternative for API based authentication ?
Friday September 13 2013
12:50AM 6 How much css do I need to know for becoming a Ruby on Rails Develoepr?
Thursday September 12 2013
9:06PM 1 Having trouble with Getting Started with Rails guide while using ruby2.0.0 with rails 4.0
7:22PM 0 How to use rails runner altogether with bundle install --without development test?
1:41PM 4 Need suggestion how can I skip the rest par inside a loop when erro is raised
8:16AM 10 Having some issues on backend regarding a social networking project on ROR
Wednesday September 11 2013
11:00PM 3 :layout => question
10:36PM 9 Should "sanitize" return an empty string for non-strings?
7:40PM 4 Advice on building a Rails App
5:35PM 0 Idea to manipulate the ActiveRecord Relation
4:25PM 3 Why does Rails debug information shows up in production?
12:04PM 3 Text field formatting
11:09AM 0 Ruby on Rails developer for top company in Munich / Germany. Visa Sponsoring!
7:08AM 2 Mandrill mail problem
4:46AM 1 Algorithm execution with Rails
Tuesday September 10 2013
10:49PM 4 Looking for Ruby on Rails developer for eCommerce project
2:42PM 0 [JOBS] Start a Ruby side project or company
1:29PM 0 [JOBS] Rails Developer - Greenwich, CT - $100 per hour
5:32AM 3 Confusion with Hash duplicate key removal
2:35AM 3 Rails sites went down without my knowledge
Monday September 9 2013
10:16PM 3 Nested attributes requires an array and throws a TypeError if passed a hash.
9:44PM 0 append hardcoded value in rails2 f.select_tag
9:43PM 1 URL issue in rails routing
Sunday September 8 2013
5:13PM 1 could not find JavaScript runtime error while doing rails -s
Saturday September 7 2013
8:29PM 0 [shoulda-matchers gem] validate_numericality_of_matcher strange behaviour
8:19AM 0 Re: Abridged summary fc"@,"! ,#",,","' of rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFFw@public.gmane.org - 3 Messages i desde FC z,2! des cx xn 1 Topic
8:19AM 1 Zcx DG xXz#ZDxz!"zzx"" !!% su x vez x de xx. X zzz$„„$™™(R)(R)da xfzzgxz xd x!"xZxxzx"!!%,!,,#!""des CD des z z #dexzzx!#4!%! €€ ",!!!z fa es sede zdzs c ce red cs es crea z vez res zzf zcwsz
Friday September 6 2013
8:15PM 1 Confusion with method call without `.` operator
7:15PM 3 Kernel#`` not working in my IRB
6:38PM 2 Is there anyone using gem milia (multitenancy)?
2:50PM 0 Delete duplicate entries from a 2 dimensional array in ror
2:47PM 4 Delete duplicate records from a 2 dimensional array in rails
2:41PM 0 Legacy data associations.
7:37AM 1 How to get local variable name from object id or memory reference in ruby?
6:13AM 0 paperclip
5:56AM 5 What exactly is rake
Thursday September 5 2013
3:47PM 6 After I save a record in table A I want to save the id of that record in table B Immediatly
3:14PM 6 testing a REST API that receives params in json and returns data in json
1:33PM 3 Requesting information from user
7:50AM 6 Parameter with the same name as the controller returning the params hash instead of nil
5:23AM 1 hw to create binary tree structure in rails
5:16AM 1 heroku reacher 5 free apps showing varify your account message
Wednesday September 4 2013
2:01PM 7 Shift from mongrel to webrick
11:48AM 2 Struggling with a model - are there good developers to help?
6:35AM 1 Fetching links to my rails app
5:41AM 2 Speed up image processing of Paperclip in Acceptance Tests
5:26AM 0 Rapidfire 1.2.0 - Dynamic surveys in your rails app
5:10AM 2 Mailing Error
Tuesday September 3 2013
5:24PM 0 JOBS- Sr Ruby on Rails Developer-Fulltime Role- Newark NJ
12:55PM 8 before_validate refactor question
10:32AM 2 Values stripped from form when submitted
Monday September 2 2013
8:10PM 1 Problem with Filling Tables.
6:29PM 2 Why the string interpolation is not working inside the Nokogiri method `#search` ?
6:28PM 1 simple_fields_for help
5:46PM 2 MySQL2/Arel/ActiveRecord and PAD SPACE
4:32PM 0 My first project, like some bootstrap help
2:34PM 4 how to handle two different gem version using RVM
12:28PM 3 initializing rails server from irb
8:58AM 0 [JOBS] Junior RoR (at least 1y experience) with UI skills for London-based start-up needed (remotely
6:10AM 0 ministry_of_state - 0.1.0 release. A lightweight state machine
Sunday September 1 2013
9:54PM 5 Unable to do rake command