Ok, this seem to work fine
@user.liked_photos.order("likes.created_at DESC")
Den fredagen den 9:e augusti 2013 kl. 10:55:39 UTC+2 skrev Linus
> Hi
> I have three models, User, Like and Photo.
> A User can like many Photos and a Photo can have many Likers.
> In my User model I have:
> has_many :likes, foreign_key: "liker_id", dependent: :destroy
> has_many :liked_photos, through: :likes
> Like model:
> belongs_to :liker, class_name: "User"
> belongs_to :liked_photo, class_name: "Photo", counter_cache: true
> Now I can do something like @user.liked_photos to get the photos that the
> user likes. But I want to order this based on when the Like was created.
> How can I order by my Like model?
> If I do this in User:
> has_many :likes, -> { order("created_at DESC") }, foreign_key:
> dependent: :destroy
> It orders by the photos created_at when I call @user.latest_photos
> Any ideas?
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