Hi. This is my first post.
First of all, I apologize my poor English. Actually, I''m not confident
whether I can tell what I think, cause English is not my first language.
Anyway, I''m making online test program with Rails 3, based on
196-197 nested form.
Though that episodes are out of dates, I could make it helped with
stackoverflow and google.
The problem is taking examination form for students and auto grading system.
DB table is constructed like this.
survey -- question 1 -- answer 1
-- answer 2
-- answer 3
-- ...
-- question 2 -- answer 1
-- ...
-- ...
The idea is simple. In answer model, there are two boolean columns, correct
and user_answer. Teacher can check correct answer while making examination,
and students can check user_answer while taking examination.
In the view survey/show.html.erb I made another form for taking
examination. After students fill the check box and pressed submit button,
auto grading will be done, in grading method in survey controller. and
finally they can see the result of test.
This is survey/show.html.erb It''s working well.(I can see check box and
label as I want)
<h1><%= @survey.name %></h1>
<%= form_tag({:controller => "surveys", :action =>
"grading"}) do %>
<ol class="questions">
<% @survey.questions.each do |question| %>
<%= question.content %>
<ol class="answers">
<% question.answers.each do |answer| %>
<%= check_box(answer.user_answer, answer) %>
<%= label("answer_".concat(answer.id.to_s).to_sym,
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div><%= submit_tag("Submit", :class =>
"submit") %></div>
<% end %>
but I''m not sure whether answer.user_answer can be saved correctly.
I can''t make and see result pages.
I''m trying to use redirect_to method. For this, I wrote grading method
def grading
#@survey = Survey.find(params[:id])
@survey = Survey.new
redirect_to results_url
and made survey/results.html.erb file(which contains result of test). but
not working.
I put this line on config/routes.rb but still not working.
match "surveys/grading" => "surveys#grading", :via
=> :post
Please let me know any idea related to this.
Thanks, advanced.
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