Rails - Jun 2013

Sunday June 30 2013
9:59PM 2 oauth works manually or by before_filter but not going to /sign_in
6:56PM 2 Multiple nested attributes of the same type
3:59PM 1 Sidekiq on Heroku
2:05PM 1 rails 4 openid problem
8:28AM 5 Color sequence on Rails console in Windows
Saturday June 29 2013
1:26PM 0 rake db:create giving undefined method `' for nil:NilClass
1:18PM 0 Verify file is uploaded correctly in s3
8:40AM 1 has_secure_password: authenticate method
2:21AM 2 how to remove nokogiri warning message
12:44AM 7 rubyXL error - uninitialized constant RubyXL (NameError)
Friday June 28 2013
10:59PM 0 ruby on rails couldn't find file 'jquery.ui.all'
10:31PM 1 groups_from_collection_for_select selector
9:34PM 0 Cucumber error while calling jruby script
6:07PM 3 internationalizing a gem: conventions?
1:57PM 0 Modelist gem now helps find path between ActiveRecord models and search by name/table/assoc/column
10:40AM 2 No more info about dynamic_form in rails guides?
9:58AM 2 Hash_Tag Client side Validation
2:50AM 1 [HELP PLEASE!] attachment_fu and aws-s3
Thursday June 27 2013
8:31PM 11 “Add 'gem sqlite3'' to your Gemfile”
4:11PM 3 Asset pre-compilation unbearably slow: Have we outgrown asset pipeline?
1:36PM 0 Closure_tree gem or Awesome nested set implementation
5:35AM 2 [HELP] RoR Fedena App Installation: Rake Gem
2:18AM 2 Rails 4 install
12:37AM 1 Issue with Clockwork to run scheduled sidekiq jobs.
Wednesday June 26 2013
6:28PM 0 json text to text array migration questions
2:04PM 0 LDAP user operations
9:30AM 2 having isues with creating a ajax call in my simple rails application ,
3:24AM 1 Capistrano Git SSH problem
12:13AM 2 SAVON - Call
Tuesday June 25 2013
9:18PM 1 Broken URLs to guides and APIs on rubyonrails.org
9:06PM 6 creating an account with a username in devise
5:04PM 0 cap deploy:setup fails
4:26PM 0 attr :location_string
3:36PM 0 Using parentheses in routes
2:35PM 0 Select box 4 Tables
11:26AM 4 Correct use of before_validation
7:01AM 2 How to save xml values to mysql database
5:50AM 4 Tutorials for beginner
5:00AM 0 Singapore based CTO/ Co Founder needed
Monday June 24 2013
10:38PM 1 How to send a cookie without having it CGI escaped
7:05PM 7 [HELP] Couldn't find Search with id= from controller
7:00PM 0 wrong number of arguments calling `request` (0 for 1) (ArgumentError)
5:45PM 1 [JOBS] Jr. & Sr. RoR Developers—San Francisco and LA—$130-170K
4:49PM 2 ruby pack unexpected results
4:07PM 3 Ruby On Rails integrate with Object C
1:07PM 2 Installing gems to user directory - Configurations - How to ?
12:54PM 7 Relational DB - Related and not Related
Sunday June 23 2013
8:06PM 1 Constructor CMS
4:20AM 1 Contact form - NoMethodError (undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass)
Saturday June 22 2013
11:41PM 7 uninstall dependencies along with the gem
11:06PM 4 ActiveRecord::Base.transaction - SystemStackError - stack level too deep:
Friday June 21 2013
7:17PM 2 [HELP] NameError in Discussions#index
4:54PM 0 Carrierwave large file optimization
1:12PM 7 IRB help
11:38AM 0 Capistrano / Webistrano issue
10:06AM 0 Re: Abridged summary of rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFFw@public.gmane.org - 24 Messages in 9 Topics
9:54AM 1 How to create Migration from Mysql DB with bigint type of Mysql
8:56AM 3 [HELP] Error cannot load (or bundle) 'pg' gem on local windows 7 Ruby on Rails
3:04AM 3 [HELP ] Call java code / method from Ruby programming
Thursday June 20 2013
5:19PM 1 Why have to Generate a migration from an existing MySQL Database?
12:23PM 3 Hosting ruby application of IIS 7
12:22PM 0 Errno::ENOENT in Home#index
6:51AM 8 [HELP] - Ruby Drag and Drop script on screen element in Mac OS
6:33AM 3 Problema Aptana e Debugger
4:37AM 3 Need help to learn Webservices
2:30AM 2 Looping through hash and sub-hash.
12:37AM 0 Has_one and Strong Attributes
Wednesday June 19 2013
9:09PM 11 [HELP] ruby 1.9.2 is not showing in gem environment ( GEM PATH)
8:30PM 2 Product suggestion
8:26PM 0 Conditionally cache files in Rails asset pipeline
7:48PM 1 Occasional "translation missing" error, even though translation is present
2:44PM 0 Running RSpec tests, how can I resolve a “Curl::Err::OutOfMemoryError”?
1:39PM 0 Ruby on Rails Requirement - Hyderabad
9:37AM 0 Local asset precompile and production
9:26AM 4 Heroku's “pg:psql” command doesn't work. How to pass commands to load schema from structure.sql?
Tuesday June 18 2013
11:17PM 2 `require': cannot load such file -- nokogiri (LoadError) in rubyXL
9:06PM 1 Getting rspec error: Net::SMTPServerBusy: Relay access denied
6:28PM 1 How to Pass Jquery selected dropdown values and radio button values to controller
4:09PM 1 Rails 3 in action book: some files are not generated as written in the book
5:56AM 9 How to capture IP address in ruby 1.8.7
Monday June 17 2013
11:25PM 4 Facing dependency error for "faraday"
8:00PM 3 Where does bundler installs a git gem locally?
10:26AM 2 Where to find groups to discuss rails source code?
3:36AM 4 Migration?
1:33AM 3 Can't initialize a new Rails application
Sunday June 16 2013
3:57PM 0 Monkey patching a gem's controller method
2:04AM 3 Best library for reading/wriiting excel in ruby
1:10AM 2 Autload thread safety in Ruby 2.0?
Saturday June 15 2013
8:38PM 3 [HELP] BUILD FAILED while Installing ruby-1.8.7-p371 in mac OS...
11:50AM 1 radio buttons form in ruby on rails
Friday June 14 2013
6:53PM 1 Setting up a rails app in a relative path (using Apache and Passenger)
1:23PM 2 Michael Hartl rails tutorial twitter @replies feature extension
11:10AM 0 Internship in a French start-up
8:15AM 0 How to instantiate a logger in an Engine only once and then use only that object?
4:59AM 2 ArgumentError in Static_pages#home
Thursday June 13 2013
7:25PM 4 Rails 3 application capable of generating an offline version of itself for download as zip archive
Wednesday June 12 2013
6:14PM 0 debug(session) output help
4:19PM 0 Best way to set database connection collation in rails?
3:45PM 1 What is a "Handle" in rubygems.org registration form?
3:15PM 3 Paperclip thumbnail generation uses magic?
7:10AM 0 Webcal/WebDev integration in ruby
5:38AM 4 checking arrays if exist efficiently
1:59AM 0 Using Redis to Load Data-please help me!
Tuesday June 11 2013
3:35AM 1 Changing log level at runtime in a multithread server like unicorn
Monday June 10 2013
10:49PM 4 Railscasts Android app
7:22PM 0 NYC-On Site-Ruby Ninja- RplyASAPbandwidth?
4:29PM 4 Good Rubyistic way Looking for.
2:12PM 0 New posts on the "Learn Ruby on Rails from Beginners" blog
1:46PM 0 Fast PUSH notifications from Rails
10:55AM 4 Refresh a div without reloading the page
8:39AM 2 Rails ERD - Help with model
7:44AM 0 RoR and design internship
Sunday June 9 2013
2:08PM 2 Minitest mock or stub methods
1:01PM 1 Nokogiri::XML::AttributeDecl methods output understanding
Saturday June 8 2013
6:18PM 0 Recursive Hash search
2:28PM 6 Hook for "rake db:migrate" to transfer command to plugin?
7:35AM 10 Why Nokogiri::HTML::Document#meta_encoding returns nil ?
6:50AM 2 Bootstrap: How do I change the black bar at the top?
Friday June 7 2013
8:45PM 1 What is a "--mountable" option in rails plugin generator?
12:06PM 4 how to add gdal with rails application , now working with gdal 1.8 in ubuntu 10.10
Thursday June 6 2013
10:48PM 1 Introducing MailJack: autogenerate querystring parameters that are appended to links in your emails
9:48PM 0 Características sobre as versões do Ruby
8:37PM 1 Error if i don't have 'create' method in user_controller and only have 'new' method
5:48PM 5 Trying to create a "view object" with yield self
5:15PM 3 I'm feeling stupid -- about getting MySQL to start up
Wednesday June 5 2013
11:32PM 0 Issues that could benefit from a bounty reward?
2:39PM 1 Link_to image_tag popup
8:58AM 1 Precompile with compression in development
7:18AM 1 Multiline graph in rails in pdf file
Tuesday June 4 2013
10:54PM 0 Open new page with rails link_to and bootstrap modal
10:12PM 3 Is flash value kept through action to action in integration tests?
7:17PM 0 [JOBS] Rails Developer for Start-up, Full-time, Work from home
4:09PM 0 When i use live search show an extra output format
3:31PM 1 form_for instance model help; move logic from form to controller
2:33PM 2 What is a "low level caching" in Rails in terms of SQL Caching?
1:22PM 0 Nested form and AngularJS, duplicated entities
10:49AM 0 Introduction to myself and getting to know the community
5:12AM 3 Nokogiri::XML methods example
12:31AM 0 JST paths differ between development and production
Monday June 3 2013
7:11PM 2 Anyone using Rails GPG/PGP Encrypted emails with or without Devise?
6:21PM 1 My alternative to the DCI principle
3:32PM 6 please give some tutorial about Testing in Rails with Rspec and TDD
3:27PM 3 How to restart AR transaction?
10:37AM 6 resource management tool.
6:07AM 4 Is it possible to run some script before controller is hit
3:17AM 1 sidekiq: push background results to front
Sunday June 2 2013
9:20PM 16 Ruby 2.0 is running, but Rails 4 doesn't see it.
4:40PM 1 Model folder not created?
1:02PM 0 Need to understand the Nokogiri::XML::Builder Class
Saturday June 1 2013
3:23PM 2 How would you upgrade
12:13PM 7 Regarding Future in ROR
7:33AM 12 Nokogiri#css("input:disabled") not working
6:57AM 10 How about add a method to truncate a long text more smart?