On Wednesday, April 10, 2013 9:53:01 AM UTC+1, Lukáš Doležal
> Hi everybody,
> I needed change field error rendering for some forms created with
> form builder. I found solution by changing ActionView::Base::field_error_
> proc to own before form and changing it back after form rendered.
> I don''t like this solution :) It''s not thread-safe (but
it''s not so
> important, nobody really wants it :), but I don''t like it because
of I
> think it isn''t good object desing.
> Yuck - I''ve been there before (although I stored the override in
Thread.current so that it was thread safe).
How complicated would be adding some extra option to formbuilder, like
> :form_field_error_proc, that can be propagated down to the
> InstanceTag implementation?
> Or have you some other idea how to make this better? :)
> Last time the interaction between that and all the various helpers was a
little gnarly. Personally I''ve taken not to using field_error_proc and
adding classes on the inputs (or on its enclosing element) to indicate
invalidness. field_error_proc could definitely use some love though
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