I had a similar problem, and you can read on what I found on github
Den lördagen den 22:e september 2012 kl. 07:35:20 UTC+2 skrev
Ruby-Forum.com User:>
> Rails 3.1.3
> I am using Formtastic gem in order to deal with multi-select
> dependencies.
> <%= semantic_form_for(@give) do |f| %>
> <%= f.inputs do %>
> <%= f.input :departure,
> :collection => Departure.find(:all, :order=>:city).collect{ |c|
> [c.city,c.id]},
> :required=>true %>
> <div id="destinationCity">
> <%= render :partial => ''destination'' %>
> </div>
> <div id="airlineCompany">
> <%= render :partial => ''airline'' %>
> </div>
> <div id="flight_name">
> <%= render :partial => ''flight_name'' %>
> </div>
> <%= f.input :day_departure, :as => :date_select, :hint =>
''Select a
> date'',
> :start_year => Time.now.year,
> :label => "Departure date" %>
> <%= f.input :weight %>
> <%= f.input :check_in %>
> <% end %>
> <%= f.actions do %>
> <%= f.action :submit, :button_html => { :class => "btn
> btn-primary" } %>
> <% end %>
> <% end %>
> The partials and jQuery ajax functions work properly.
> But the problem is the clicking the submit button does not do anything
> at all!!!!
> If there is an error in saving the data, it should show some kind of
> message in the console.
> But the button simply does nothing.
> I don''t think it matters, but the gives_controller is the
> def create
> @give = current_user.gives.build(params[:give])
> respond_to do |format|
> if @give.save
> format.html { redirect_to @give, notice: ''Give was
> created.'' }
> format.json { render json: @give, status: :created, location:
> @give }
> else
> format.html { render action: "new" }
> format.json { render json: @give.errors, status:
> :unprocessable_entity }
> end
> end
> end
> If there is at least an error, I may be able to provide more
> information, but the submit action does not do anything, so I am stuck
> here.
> Can anyone guess where the problem is?
> soichi
> --
> Posted via ruby-forum.com.
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