Rails - Aug 2012

Friday August 31 2012
9:13PM 0 Ruby on rails Developer-Golden CO
3:26PM 3 Newbie Q: How to find the user that the question belongs_to
2:55PM 0 Looking for a Ruby person in Providence RI
1:59PM 5 Question1 Cucumber Rails
12:06PM 0 Adding validations to devise signup form
11:14AM 1 PayPal Integration
6:41AM 8 Extracting information out of a database column
Thursday August 30 2012
9:29PM 15 How can an rspec test for a view pass if there is no action for the view in the controller?
4:11PM 2 Getting Started with Rails - tutorial problem
3:44PM 2 Register/Login Recipe
1:33PM 1 [Whenever gem]What is the reason that linux's cron can't automatic running?
1:19PM 0 OWASP AppSec USA 2012 (Austin) Oct 23-26: training will feature web app defensive coding and testing
11:07AM 22 Is it a good idea for me to learn Ruby on Rails?
10:13AM 4 how to change theme in rails 3.2.7
8:01AM 0 RedCarpet or alternative that can parse just *- and \s{4}
6:29AM 0 How to access rails variable in assest pipelin
6:28AM 7 rail webrick error
Wednesday August 29 2012
8:44PM 7 custom js in rails project
7:28PM 2 Carrierwave Direct and additional form elements
5:34PM 1 Beginner
3:13PM 7 Ensure that only one member of a collection has the "current" flag set
1:06PM 1 Paginate an array
11:31AM 6 Efficient way of using multple Database
7:55AM 1 Wierd encoding problem
4:53AM 3 Ruby problem solving Skills
Tuesday August 28 2012
9:23PM 10 How to open the pdf from the server via database?
9:12PM 0 Multi-level hierarchy selections
6:20PM 4 ArgumentError in HomeController#index
5:25PM 1 How does the HTTP params Hash work?
4:15PM 2 RoR App - Location Search Gem/Algorithm?
4:14PM 5 Mysterious Pg syntax error: EXPLAIN BEGIN
2:57PM 0 Fedora 17 and passenger-install-apache2-module problem
2:18PM 11 Subtract time
1:51PM 1 Rails Friendship custom actions
1:43PM 1 can rails4 live streaming feature, be compare with node.js
11:55AM 2 Remove test_unit
3:08AM 16 rail s exiting
Monday August 27 2012
6:44PM 0 link_to after edit or delete with AJAX
6:39PM 6 New to RoR: Need some assistance displaying data from multiple tables.
5:03AM 0 code review for a new gem?
Sunday August 26 2012
8:12PM 0 Undefined method `signed' for #<Rack::Test::CookieJar>
5:46PM 3 Drop down box Ruby Cgi
Saturday August 25 2012
11:44PM 0 Changing the main chart title using Lazy High Charts Gem
11:02PM 6 Ruby Cgi and Mysql/Postgresql
5:40PM 4 Where to store functions
4:34PM 0 accepts_nested_attributes_for and fields_for not working!
4:27PM 12 index.html in rails-app/public
11:22AM 1 Reg : Integrating Facebook & Twitter to My Rails 3 App.
11:00AM 11 Any meetup in india ?
9:55AM 4 Need an example code like this forum :)
9:40AM 2 cannot bundle install due to missing therubyracer
5:15AM 1 share knowledge for "Selenium"
Friday August 24 2012
2:33PM 3 Rails test environment can't find capybara methods
11:18AM 0 List all callbacks registered for a Model class
10:46AM 3 ActiveRecord storing arrays and hashes
9:37AM 0 question regarding proper use of render :js for handling AJAX requests
6:34AM 0 Problem with routes and link_to
3:08AM 6 Need help to implement audio recording in rails application
1:43AM 0 Nested Resources
Thursday August 23 2012
6:44PM 0 Rails - Adding assets and language files after the war has been deployed
6:12PM 2 Rails 3 - Email feature without smtp
10:15AM 5 wat is diff between webrat and capybara?????
8:32AM 6 A new navigation gem
7:01AM 2 Updating Controller template to run with Rails 3.2.8
Wednesday August 22 2012
6:37PM 3 Reference pointer or Boolean attribute
5:33PM 1 Delegated attribute are set and saved from console, but not from front-end
4:26PM 2 Displaying an array of AR objects alphabetically
9:23AM 1 Getting Started problems - How can I get a report of errors
9:02AM 0 Quick Poll - Searching
6:13AM 52 A Ruby Book (free to use)
Tuesday August 21 2012
8:12PM 10 "Undefined method"
12:38PM 3 Add an Expires Header
12:12PM 0 checkout with paypal without login
6:57AM 1 How can i call an image in my model
5:59AM 3 rails s
4:58AM 0 What's the best way to load key/pair values to memcache in a rails app?
Monday August 20 2012
5:46PM 1 render SVG in view
4:47PM 1 CSRF questions
12:51PM 4 IPs of RubyGems for proxy
11:21AM 2 About new standalone migration in rails 3.2.x
8:16AM 3 A rollback is not issued when dependent object before_destroy callback returns false
7:59AM 0 on Click actions with active admin module
Sunday August 19 2012
9:09PM 0 Friendship create action
1:38PM 0 Unsuccessful with using mongodb with rails
8:29AM 4 Why this scaffold command not working?
7:58AM 5 What is the alternative of "ruby script/server" in Rails 3.2.8?
7:15AM 14 Not able to successfully create new Rails application.
12:35AM 0 Asking for your help: How do you develop apps today and in the future?
Saturday August 18 2012
10:15PM 0 Tabs Gems giving headache
7:34PM 0 Migrating users from devise to bcrpyt-ruby
5:56PM 4 Commands of creating new app. are different.
11:21AM 0 hosting with speedyrails
8:24AM 0 looking for a developer
5:17AM 2 Paperclip images are not stored in my directory
Friday August 17 2012
10:29PM 5 How to Include Gem in Different Path
8:29PM 0 iterate through a multi dimensional hash
3:32PM 2 routes for new resources
6:45AM 2 Thumbnails create of upload image
4:09AM 0 Please fix select_tag in 3.2.8
12:30AM 3 Rails doesn't validate create_model or build_model (has_one association)
Thursday August 16 2012
7:27PM 1 How to create subpages.
7:08PM 6 Error calling Dispatcher.dispatch
6:20PM 6 undefined method `with_indifferent_access' for "":String
5:23PM 2 error installing engineyard-dns
5:06PM 0 JOB -Remote Ruby on Rails Group
3:18PM 7 Friendship System Rails 3.0
1:56PM 1 Friendship system
1:39PM 0 Issue in qqfileuploader
1:13PM 0 Webservices & Integrations
12:51PM 1 Results from the 2012 Rails Hosting Survey
11:01AM 0 Event_Calendar
10:58AM 0 FullCalendar
10:38AM 3 Caching photo by URL
10:23AM 3 Passing array of objects to javascript
8:22AM 1 read text field value in controller
5:03AM 13 hii friends,,,,,i m new to rails......i think there is a problem in destroy command .
Wednesday August 15 2012
6:24PM 6 Nested form and a link to add fields question?
3:17PM 1 Defining a scope which compares a field against an array
3:14PM 3 Using group_by in a Rails view
2:03PM 0 Devise email confirmation field
1:52PM 0 Ways to put online API documentation using rails
10:04AM 2 How to enable activerecord whitelist_attributes in non-Rails environment?
8:21AM 3 Growl_notify like similar gems for Linux
1:45AM 0 Devise access customer information without password
Tuesday August 14 2012
5:45PM 0 Job Opportunity - Remote
2:59PM 5 Rails session ID
1:00PM 1 has_one nil from Devise
12:31PM 3 validates_format_of :message not working, validates_length_of :message is working
9:32AM 1 embedded font
9:30AM 4 “undefined method `accept' for nil:NilClass”
6:50AM 5 How to define virtual attribute for date_select drop menu using active model
5:08AM 2 Scaffold for Serie
3:01AM 2 Rails authorization system
2:42AM 5 How can I copy records from one table to another?
2:22AM 1 NoMethodError: undefined method `accept' for nil:NilClass
Monday August 13 2012
10:31PM 1 Diff-testing? (Acceptance testing for laziness and legacy-ness)
7:50PM 5 how to do form parameter naming from the form tag?
6:11PM 3 Restfull custom actions
1:04PM 2 Render collection of objects
11:17AM 3 what is the best javascript ui library for rails
9:16AM 1 Slow ActiveRecord
6:12AM 9 Using Jquery plugin "tokenInput" with rails
2:10AM 0 resource paths when using a forward proxy?
Sunday August 12 2012
4:59PM 0 invoking an activerecord relation method on the result of a calculation method, which returns a FixNum type
3:55PM 0 [Asset pipline]MD5 hash, does it affect on Google?
12:26PM 1 how to activate a rails application on a VPS
3:37AM 0 Rails console eats my query trace
Saturday August 11 2012
10:25AM 1 Rails 3.2 assets and jQuery_mobile css , issue with jquery image urls...
9:59AM 0 how do u deal with tinymce and uploaded images
Friday August 10 2012
5:59PM 1 button_to with image
2:42PM 0 How to include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper in Asset Pipeline processing
1:32PM 4 testing Rails
12:35PM 5 PayPal
11:12AM 7 Junior Rails developer looking for remote work.
10:37AM 1 [JOBS] Part Time Rails Assisting to Technical Lead
10:01AM 0 Application Error
9:39AM 0 Missing earlier versions work around for "XSS Vulnerability in strip_tags"
9:21AM 0 Earlier verions work around for "XSS Vulnerability in strip_tags" missing
8:48AM 8 submit() not working on first click....it is working on second click
8:03AM 0 Set session on jQuery.load function
2:28AM 1 gsub appearing in xml
1:16AM 0 Custom DML and schema.rb
12:59AM 1 Rails routing - redirection with block AND status code
12:38AM 1 [JOB] Seeking Ruby on Rails Dev. for ongoing part time development!
Thursday August 9 2012
9:36PM 1 Rails 3.2.8 has been released!!!
7:32PM 1 Eager Load Grandchilden w/o Children
4:06PM 2 validate_format_of message
3:25PM 3 Nested form with has_many :through -- how to modify the "through" attributes
3:04PM 3 Pop quiz: Where do you watch for job postings?
1:27PM 16 Rails Nested Form
11:58AM 0 http://www.meetup.com/Ruby-on-Rails-Startups/events/72865772/
Wednesday August 8 2012
11:14PM 0 Ruby Hoedown 2012 -- The FREE Ruby conference in Nashville, TN -- CFP and registration now open!
5:56PM 0 [Help] : Rails3.2 server hangs when started with Foreman
3:17PM 5 Error Bundler
1:57PM 2 ActionMailer problem
1:46PM 3 want to run my rails app automatically... i hosted rails app in plesk server (centos 5.6)
7:55AM 1 Getting openJDK &JRE error while Ido rake
7:46AM 1 Problem in jquery
7:04AM 3 Devise with many models and ArgumentError in RegistrationController#create
6:50AM 2 Fwd: Multiple records in table
6:40AM 1 Memcache and Rails - Storing String as values.
6:29AM 1 Creating ToDo List App
Tuesday August 7 2012
10:26PM 0 some rails specs fail on my local machine (but works on others' machines)
4:13PM 9 How do I force link_to/form helpers to use the superclass name in the path instead subclass?
3:06PM 1 How transferable is a Ruby on Rails CMS?
2:07PM 1 Nested attributes from multiple models on form. Rails 2.3
1:23PM 3 Barcode Generating With Label On Canvas by using Barby gem
11:19AM 0 RoR Architecture Review -- Kann uns da jemand helfen?
11:03AM 4 how to do render partial on jquery ajax success method with rails 3
10:55AM 0 spatial_adapter and ruby_ldap
9:33AM 9 How to encrypt Ruby script..
8:00AM 6 uninitialized constant ActiveResource::UnauthorizedAccess
Monday August 6 2012
5:40PM 0 Headers allow uppercase
Sunday August 5 2012
9:32PM 4 before_validation an before_validation_on_create
7:12PM 1 Where to store array(hash)?
3:28PM 0 Strange Rails/Postgres/WEBrick messages
3:27PM 4 Please, help to solve the problem
12:30PM 3 Rails Dynamic Finders Return nil
3:33AM 0 ActiveRecord::Validator vs ActiveModel::Validator
Saturday August 4 2012
7:39PM 0 LSRC 6 - Don't Miss Matz!!
7:29PM 3 interest behavior of json in rails
7:36AM 2 How to get notified about Ruby (Rack) errors in Rails 3
5:30AM 4 Rspec
2:17AM 0 [Job] Ruby on Rails Developer position - all new development on Heroku in NYC
Friday August 3 2012
9:03PM 5 dynamic loop in a hash
7:40PM 15 Simple (I'm sure) Question about Joins
2:57PM 4 accessing from both ends of has many through relationship
10:12AM 1 Development log also recorded while running in production mode
5:32AM 4 Testing Rails app
Thursday August 2 2012
9:37PM 1 Using pry-rails with a Rails engine.
11:13AM 0 Cookie-SubDomain
6:19AM 2 Onchange of one select_tag, it should update another select_tag which is having same selected value
5:11AM 0 Globally keyed cache fragments across all controllers
Wednesday August 1 2012
7:52PM 0 Any good translation platform as engine (or as saas)?
6:13PM 1 Strange error: uninitialized constant Barby::Code128A on Heroku server?
3:55PM 0 Ruby Rails Has_Many fetching data
3:32PM 0 Will Pay for Answers
2:54PM 1 Rails app structure of search portal
1:25PM 5 How to remove a record if it is duplicate end sum values :val
1:18PM 1 Rails app hosting in Network solution
12:35PM 4 Remove a record if it is duplicate end sum values
11:57AM 2 'redirect_to' taking infinite loop.
11:02AM 6 wrong number of arguments (3 for 2)
5:04AM 8 Rails associations
3:57AM 4 accepts_nested_attributes_for, validates_associated, and validates_presence_of within a has_many/belongs_to
2:08AM 6 Help installing redmine
1:29AM 0 Can not insert fixture data to db
1:17AM 2 Polymorphic one-to-one associations in Rails 3.2 - what's the "correct" Rails way?
1:00AM 0 is AssociationProxy a subclass or a module of Association?