This plugin looks outdated.
Try to use this one
And remember to use the html_safe method to show the content, otherwise
rails will not display as html.
2012/7/6 Ichiro Saga <>
> Hi, guys. I created a new a Rails 3 program to test tinymce with
> tinymce_hammer gem. I was able to save bold font, bulleted-list format,
> etc in the database and display it on the page except the "insert
> On the edit page, I could insert the link to the highlighted text and
> even open the link in new tab/window by clicking the highlighted text.
> However, after I saved it, the highlighted text became plain text and
> the inserted link on it was gone.
> I am using tinymce_hammer 0.2.2 and tinymce 3.5 Jquery package.
> Thanks in advance.
> --
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==================*Alexandre Mondaini Calvão*
"*Nossa recompensa se encontra no esforço e não no resultado. Um esforço
total é uma vitória completa*." [Ghandi]
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