u can use jQuery.each()
maybe something like this:
*success: function(data){*
* $.each(data.cnames, function(i, doc){
''<label>''+ doc.name +''
Pada Selasa, 26 Juni 2012 14:16:27 UTC+7, amruby
> here this
> *format.json { render :json => @cnames }*
> from the controller searchskill. this @cnames is a hash, so how to give
> each value from that @cnames using itetrate in .html()
> can i give anything like this...
> *like this $(''.searchmodal'').( <%= @cnames .each do
|doc| %> +''<label>''+
> <%= doc.name %>+'' </label>''+ <% end %>
); *
> *Ajax file*
> $.ajax({
> type: "POST",
> url: "",
> data: dataString,
> datatype: "json",
> success: function(response){
> *//.html*
> }
> });
> }
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