Rails - May 2012

Thursday May 31 2012
10:31PM 2 Environments
9:16PM 2 isolated engine, routing helpers, testing?
9:02PM 14 How install libv8 (therubyracer) Windows 7
8:57PM 0 Transaction state bug?
8:32PM 0 German Mailinglist or even better Usergroup
7:50PM 8 validation not called on create, only update
6:29PM 2 send_data/send_file does not open a save as dialog box
5:04PM 4 NoMethodError when using any?
12:52PM 2 Gem Dependency error
10:47AM 13 Biometric Device Installation
8:40AM 3 Update in a has_many: though association.
8:20AM 1 Rack Middleware or after filter
Wednesday May 30 2012
9:44PM 1 create a model/migration from an object that is returned from a gem that i installed
8:20PM 1 Why I can't override attr_reader for simple_form?
3:53PM 0 Seeking Ruby on Rails Developer
9:51AM 1 Database and model folder
9:44AM 4 warning: already initialized constant
6:55AM 4 how to show photo preview in rails
3:03AM 3 Need help installing a ruby on rails script
2:55AM 0 Problem generate migration
Tuesday May 29 2012
8:16PM 1 no record or else error:disk image is malformed
3:12PM 1 rails block in js.erb ?
2:02PM 1 Rails s - startup issue (new Rails on ubuntu installation
1:58PM 1 my first Cucumber test
12:50PM 1 Consuming .net web service using rails - actionwebservice
12:48PM 0 MySQL and Postgres
11:56AM 6 Relationship issue with activerecord rails
11:36AM 0 Multiple applications with same model and db
Monday May 28 2012
3:18PM 4 oauth for facebook and twitter
1:36PM 2 Lectura de registros desde Rails
1:02PM 5 Asset Pipeline Not working in production mode
10:00AM 0 HTTP request synchronization in rails
9:25AM 0 loading two similar Rails Engine in single app
8:05AM 1 Installed RVM-Ruby-Rails NOT available after closing terminal window!!
3:37AM 4 How to load a selection list into the method new of a controller?
Sunday May 27 2012
9:33PM 2 Setting Up A Rails App With Passenger
7:58PM 1 How to connect to database and then display results.
5:34PM 3 Dumb question
Saturday May 26 2012
3:46PM 7 error in "each" method in following code.
12:20AM 2 gemlock and rails version
Friday May 25 2012
9:57PM 18 Can't get css to load in rails 3.2.3 development
10:38AM 1 Connect reset by peer error
7:48AM 1 Custom sort scope for ActiveRecord search
6:52AM 2 create folders and files through linux system commands in rails application
5:44AM 0 Problems working through Railstutorial.org tutorials
3:43AM 2 Updating attribute on dependent of many-to-on association
Thursday May 24 2012
11:48PM 2 Freelance Ruby Developer For Hire
9:45PM 0 Twitter gem user timeline link_to helper for hashes
3:05PM 5 Declaring list of string constnats for app
2:10PM 1 Heroku Deploy - assets issue_paperclip
1:58PM 2 Rails Console Sandbox : .save | .create
1:35PM 2 Errors and flash[:error]
1:11PM 0 i am getting override method issue in compute_public_path' for module `ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper'
1:10PM 1 Migrating App From 3.0 to 3.2.3 with ruby 1.9.3
12:41PM 0 The Usage of .except in Query
11:27AM 2 Ferret problem
11:13AM 3 rails ajax issues
10:13AM 1 Newbie question - how to resolve 'wrong status line' error
12:56AM 0 Ruby on Rails Tutorial Chapter 6 RSpec tests failing
12:54AM 1 Help with inserting multiple records via console
12:32AM 0 need quick clarification on paypal (activemerchant) - cmd=_notify-validate
Wednesday May 23 2012
7:29PM 2 rake error
5:51PM 6 Help with functional test
6:18AM 4 paramater passing with ajax in rails
2:01AM 0 search option for 1 to many relationships
1:12AM 1 Heroku App Sending Blank Emails with Sendgrid
Tuesday May 22 2012
11:56PM 1 rails-brakeman.com, an online service to find security issues in your rails projects
6:13PM 0 Looking to hire freelance Rails developers.
4:02PM 0 Logging progname with Rails differs from Ruby
3:00PM 4 Creating formatted PDFs
2:56PM 0 functional tests assert_difference with array
1:37PM 4 undefined method `paginate'
1:29PM 9 loop in rails view
11:20AM 0 Getting Rails 3 Mailer working with gmail
9:31AM 3 When to use iframes or partial views?
8:33AM 3 [RESQUE]Question about queues
8:11AM 6 Beginning with BDD: Rspec or Cucumber? What is better documented?
2:35AM 0 Kernel#send behaving strangely with ActiveRecord attribute methods
Monday May 21 2012
11:47PM 0 how to not encode only one attribute of model when calling render :json => model
9:57PM 4 Rails developer required.
4:07PM 2 Error : can't dup NilClass, in Heroku
3:07PM 1 EventCalendar
2:34PM 0 CouchDB accessing composed column
2:06PM 2 basic application descriptiion.
1:56PM 1 Gallery in RoR
12:45PM 4 Rendering partial views with ajax calls in rails 3.1
11:58AM 4 ERROR: could not find gem ferret locally or in a repository
11:03AM 0 How to configure postgresql databases on different drives ?
9:15AM 1 Calling destroy in a has_many_and_belongs_to and has_many :through
6:38AM 1 Active Admin help
6:02AM 4 Getting model column names
Sunday May 20 2012
11:26PM 6 CSRF tokens for mobile apps
9:15PM 1 uploading video
8:01PM 3 Help with many-to-many nested form
2:50PM 3 For counting average
Saturday May 19 2012
1:01AM 2 Help with find
Friday May 18 2012
11:28PM 1 Proxy Model Class
5:23PM 8 Chain scopes with OR
2:19PM 8 Error installing therubyracer
9:52AM 1 is it a nested has_many :through association?
7:11AM 0 33% off live Rails training
5:24AM 2 Ideas For Handling Rake Task Errors
3:57AM 3 can someone explain how map! / connect! works in this case?
3:53AM 2 javascript - railscast 205
2:46AM 0 RubyTalkTips is released
Thursday May 17 2012
10:44PM 0 Two layouts in one mailer
7:07PM 2 RubyTalkTips 0.0.5 released
6:59PM 1 Partial with nested model/controller render back to current post and show errors
5:47PM 0 Facebook canvas app with rails3
3:31PM 3 How to remove API logic from view in Rails Way?
1:25PM 3 CodeSchool weekend free
11:34AM 0 Google map with city limit
10:44AM 4 Spell checker for ror
9:45AM 0 running single functional test doesn't work
2:07AM 0 [GEM] Inferred slugs
Wednesday May 16 2012
11:06PM 2 routes ressources and namespace
8:20PM 5 How to crop and show external image with specific size?
5:52PM 4 Connecting rails to a semantic RDF web database?
4:33PM 0 Rails, you are so nice
4:23PM 0 Senior Engineer and/or CTO position available
4:01PM 1 [JOB] I want to find a ruby or rails part time job
3:39PM 4 i want a rails job
3:25PM 5 How to display a string the way it was entered ( w return new line)
3:19PM 4 initialization of local variables
10:55AM 2 ajax issue with rails
10:01AM 0 Error in insoshi app
6:13AM 4 Instance variable access with different methods in one controller and view
5:21AM 1 Time based caching
4:17AM 13 Ror code please just help me in findng solution
2:42AM 7 Rails 3.1.0 cannot connect to sqlite database on Mac Lion
Tuesday May 15 2012
10:53PM 4 Clearly Defined Route Not Found
4:25PM 0 IceCube & Daily Rule not working based on Schedule Start-Time
4:17PM 1 How to handle ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid
11:06AM 3 Heroku Deploy issue
6:45AM 1 Daily / Monthly Report
Monday May 14 2012
10:36PM 1 Ruby on Rails and XSLT 2.0 ?
4:03PM 0 Help with Links/Routing
1:11PM 7 Help with model :conditions
12:31PM 0 Rails Admin: All fields appear as Ready-Only
8:08AM 1 undefined method `parse' for String:Class
Sunday May 13 2012
11:31PM 4 [JOB] 90 Seconds seeks Ruby on Rails Developer
9:22PM 1 is assert_select_rjs deprecated in Rails 3.1 ?
4:25PM 2 multiple arguments to select
3:40PM 0 Website screenshot generator gem for rails
3:20PM 1 action not found in testing Ajax call
12:08AM 4 undefined method `key?' for nil:NilClass,bcrypt-ruby,has_secure_password
Saturday May 12 2012
4:20PM 0 database configuration specifies nonexistent postgresql adapter
8:06AM 12 before_save messing up
12:23AM 11 How to "intercept" each action call?
12:02AM 0 Running Ruby on Rails with cPanel/machighway.com not working
Friday May 11 2012
3:42PM 1 How to log session variables in Rails 3.2?
1:13PM 0 Get user firstname; lastname in google api through authlogic-connect
11:03AM 1 polymorphic associations or has_many?
9:53AM 1 warning: regexp match /.../n against to UTF-8 string
Thursday May 10 2012
2:57PM 6 Is it suitable using STI?
2:30PM 0 Marginalia's :line option
1:26PM 7 Rails 3.2.3 not including javascript
12:31PM 1 Seeking for an Expert ROR
12:29PM 0 Seeking for an Expert
10:45AM 3 select box pre-selecting an option
10:01AM 2 how to encryption and decryption a string or integer in ruby
9:47AM 1 Rspec for custom validations
8:41AM 0 Model definition using couchDB
8:25AM 1 getting started with jQuery rails 3.2
6:54AM 4 how to prevent the user from accessing the app.after logout with back button(rails only)
6:22AM 0 how to use oncomplete in Rails-3.2.1 Ajax
3:14AM 2 Thin Controllers, Thin AR Models too!
Wednesday May 9 2012
5:42PM 0 rails3, kaminari and pg_search, Maintaining a search subset of data when sorting?
4:52PM 12 out of memory (java heap space) on zip creation (jruby)
3:42PM 8 Has_Many, another mass assign headache
11:58AM 5 JQuery + Coffeescript
10:08AM 2 form_for not rendering
9:28AM 1 How to call a function with a variable value
6:34AM 3 Sorting of users depending on
Tuesday May 8 2012
7:21PM 1 One to many relationships
7:10PM 2 issues with text_field in rails
6:22PM 2 Help Query Cache
4:09PM 3 How to filter a model based on two parameters
1:59PM 1 Abstract Classes Or Interfaces
11:58AM 4 does it really achieve the productivity advantages it claims?
11:41AM 0 Looking for a specialized Ruby on Rails (RoR) developers for Mumbai, India
10:10AM 4 simple noob question about routes
9:00AM 0 mongodb switch from postgresql......
8:03AM 2 how to implement SSO in ruby
6:29AM 0 Sunspot_rails order by not working
6:11AM 1 saving blob data to a file
3:51AM 2 Finding the execution time of Web application
Monday May 7 2012
9:34PM 0 How to boot multiple Rails apps on Apache2 with a shared Passenger gem?
9:31PM 0 XSendfile via Nginx
9:10PM 3 out of memory generating huge csv from active record
7:15PM 1 Complex sorting question, or not?
2:02PM 0 Problem with process_view_paths "DEPRECATION WARNING"
1:48PM 1 not sure why download csv file test fails on windows
12:05PM 4 Creating an API key (many to many mapping), how would I go about it
11:23AM 0 applying TwitterBootstrap and LESS
8:27AM 0 Authlogic Single Access Token-Web Service Iphone app
7:31AM 3 ActiveRecord Postgres small inconsistency
5:42AM 3 how to run a cronjob in rackspace
3:39AM 7 Freelance Ruby on Rails Developer needed for a project
1:03AM 0 (unknown)
Sunday May 6 2012
11:28PM 0 Javascript Rails 3.2.1
10:21PM 3 ActionMailer Linode
9:02PM 2 autocomplete word by word
7:22PM 8 run script after initialize
8:19AM 0 Engine: Where there should be a database.yml ?
7:13AM 0 What are your thoughts about the social network builder gem SocialStream?
Saturday May 5 2012
10:39PM 3 Use of Super or how to get the calling object.
5:54PM 1 Displaying an image
2:18PM 0 text_field_value
2:02PM 1 Can't mass-assign protected attributes
6:58AM 0 Ищу работу на полставки. Москва.
12:20AM 7 Rails Tutorial 3 attribue unknown
Friday May 4 2012
2:00PM 0 Why does Rails only save the joiner record in one instance but not another?
12:42PM 1 1line RVM+Rails install script for Ubuntu
11:56AM 7 Unable to Install ruby-odbc gem on windows 2008 server bit
11:30AM 1 Profile Controllers
10:56AM 0 confusion after rails upgrade
7:16AM 6 validating input values(integer)
4:50AM 3 Database schema question
1:40AM 1 Could not find a JavaScript runtime -- Bundler & Rbenv
12:20AM 1 tips on improving rendering performance?
Thursday May 3 2012
6:20PM 0 Handing request.session in Rack Middleware ...
6:15PM 0 How to create three objects/records using one form? And how to show validation errors for them?
2:28PM 3 inheritance with rails.
2:16PM 3 Why I have to set two unnecessary params in controller action after i send form_tag?
2:01PM 1 Shortcode design?
12:35PM 1 haml and w3c validator
10:55AM 2 Can't push to Heroku
9:15AM 6 Hosting application on private network.
8:54AM 2 nginx problem "We're sorry, but something went wrong."
Wednesday May 2 2012
8:25PM 2 Column with dynamic db type
4:48PM 3 Rails and the Ubuntu command line
4:00PM 4 jruby/rack stack dumps without reference to my code
2:58PM 1 ActiveRecord has_many :finder_sql
1:56PM 30 Country State City using AJAX
10:30AM 0 new gem for voting system: acts_as_meritocracy
10:11AM 2 AJAX and Jqery
4:07AM 3 plpgsql HEROKU
1:54AM 0 (eval):1: syntax error, unexpected $undefined
12:55AM 2 How do you scale horizontally with Rails 3.2 on EC2?
Tuesday May 1 2012
7:20PM 3 Scaffoldings should be made in a temporary folder.
6:53PM 0 Validador de CNPJ
4:39PM 0 Ruby/RoR positions in NYC and Raleigh, NC
4:29PM 2 CSV Import Issue
4:05PM 5 Setting an addional attribute on the join model in a has_many through relationship
3:23PM 1 RoR Developer
2:18PM 5 ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished
1:00PM 4 Authentication
11:56AM 4 Adobe Air and Rails
10:56AM 0 Engine: access to url_helpers otside view/controller
9:34AM 1 uninitialized constant LoginController in Ruby
12:37AM 2 Getting Years, Months and days from a day of born