Rails - Jul 2011

Sunday July 31 2011
9:42PM 1 Character encode
9:14PM 3 Guard v. Autotest
7:29PM 2 Problem by creating object
7:00PM 8 Add virtual attribute
6:23PM 3 Database preference?
3:00PM 1 Importing LinkedIn Contacts
2:35AM 0 I troubled with ajax processing.
Saturday July 30 2011
10:13PM 22 Question about Helpers
9:02PM 3 Sqlite manager
7:36PM 0 weird counter_cache behaviour, went unnoticed, is untested?
7:22PM 12 setting an extra attribute of the join model.
6:00PM 13 mysql2 and swedish characters
3:36PM 5 Combine two collections of objects
1:27PM 2 Get the current user as Json with Devise
11:45AM 2 [RAILS3.1] Capybara does not find the text that is actually there!
5:11AM 2 Image store in mysql database
2:57AM 3 packing a json object
12:30AM 0 Setting rails 3 with WEBrick Server as a Service in a WinSrv 2003
Friday July 29 2011
3:02PM 7 Rails and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA): any downsides?
2:49PM 9 sessions and security?
2:06PM 0 rails 3.1 asset pipeline exposing defined functions and (classes and coffeescript)
12:39PM 0 Question on Namespaces and keeping Restfull
8:26AM 1 Porting Rails 3.0 app to 3.1
8:04AM 3 Your bundle is complete! It was installed into ./rmagick
7:14AM 0 Rails3.1 templates & engines
7:06AM 2 UK States list using Carmen gem
1:52AM 1 Help with heroku and amazon s3 and paperclip
Thursday July 28 2011
10:53PM 5 Passing blocks through render('partialname')
9:52PM 2 RedCloth and sanitizing input
8:03PM 6 Nature of Return Values from Search
7:46PM 0 Unable to change Font
5:59PM 1 Help install jquery ui
4:53PM 4 [JSon] Rendering a json view and HTML characters
4:05PM 14 Actionmailer Help Needed
3:47PM 0 Looking for a fellow human: Agile, Mobile, Web, Rails Developer
2:55PM 0 Trouble connecting to JDE Database using Watir in Ruby
2:44PM 0 goldsmiths ma/msc in creating social media: a hacktivist approach
12:31PM 1 How to move html element?
10:34AM 2 starter question about paperclip / relations in rails 3
9:57AM 1 Getting error while using paperclip gem..
9:30AM 1 Problem redirecting from a js call
9:18AM 2 Error while starting Rails. Please help.
6:53AM 12 Question regarding associations..
6:31AM 3 it doesn't work jquery
6:22AM 3 Can you suggest a fixtures replacement for a MongoDB-based Rails 3.1 project?
3:28AM 2 rails 3 routing error
1:52AM 0 CanCan filtering meta_search results?
12:02AM 7 Gem problems
Wednesday July 27 2011
10:32PM 2 autocomplete depending on input of another field
8:43PM 1 Help with ajax call with date_select
7:22PM 1 Dojo with 3.1?
6:15PM 2 forms with has_many, using fields_for + Paperclip
11:50AM 4 how to get a value of a variable from a controller to different view?
11:45AM 20 Rails, jquery and Ajax
11:28AM 2 rails 3.0.9 usability problem
11:19AM 2 scope determined by model function call
11:10AM 3 regarding the controller and view
10:11AM 1 Run method if association does not exit
10:01AM 0 require specific version of active record
5:15AM 4 error while installing ruby with rvm on snowleopard
2:38AM 1 help with a NoMethodError caused by comparing start and end dates
1:30AM 9 Migration to rails2 rails3
1:29AM 0 validation not working properly with nested form
Tuesday July 26 2011
11:48PM 0 Invite Widgets
11:25PM 1 Help with wierd bug
10:31PM 0 Help needed to construct complex query
10:02PM 2 Shoulda, RSpec, shoulda-matchers and models validations unit testing
9:48PM 1 Rails Organization
7:45PM 5 Sproutcore and Rails3
7:41PM 0 connect to DRb server from rails controller ?
6:48PM 0 Inline form error messages
6:17PM 2 Display a list of methods available
5:17PM 0 active record wants root password, not sure why ..
4:39PM 4 Creating a Simple Orders System
4:15PM 4 very odd... all links show href in parentheses
4:03PM 1 Experienced Ruby on Rails Developers in Vancouver, BC - Canada
2:59PM 4 Deploying RoR apps from different branches
2:51PM 1 have_selector syntax?
1:35PM 1 ActiveRecord has_many associations
11:52AM 2 MySQL returns time with UTC time zone instead of local one
10:14AM 2 Dreamhost shared hosting - mysql2 - db creation issue
9:35AM 0 Rspec - cucumber -shoulda - and else ?
8:23AM 4 The performance&memory footprint of Rails3
5:20AM 4 Newbie question..
2:59AM 2 Can't read or write a column in Rails 3.1.0 app
12:49AM 2 Ruby on Rails using Cucumber
Monday July 25 2011
11:30PM 5 OpenCV and Ruby on Rails
11:03PM 5 Repeated, but unformatted, table data
9:27PM 0 acts_as_nested_set in lib
8:43PM 0 RSpec and ActiveRecord validations using Rails 3
7:27PM 3 Rails 3.1 Engines: Full vs. Mountable
6:52PM 3 capture, blocks, and + operator
6:16PM 3 user roles recommendation
5:25PM 1 Render a "new" form in another view
3:26PM 1 Beginners Problem
2:43PM 12 Compare checkbox with boolean
2:33PM 1 bundler/capistrano deployment - Rails3 / bundler 1.0.15
1:42PM 4 Rails 3 test database issues
1:11PM 0 Sharepoint
11:15AM 1 Trouble of table relations
11:12AM 6 What does using a lambda in rspec tests accomplish?
10:55AM 0 Trouble adding and committing files to git.
8:30AM 1 How to allow anonymous users to edit their posts by providing only it's password?
8:21AM 1 3 models in a form.
8:07AM 4 [Rails 3.0.9] I have trouble about fields_for
5:50AM 5 Arel quiz: complex queries with associations
1:38AM 2 How can i call an instance variable?
Sunday July 24 2011
11:13PM 0 Looking for Ruby on Rails Product Developer - Palo Alto, CA
6:15PM 3 counting a check_box selections?
4:35PM 4 Rails generate tool takes about 20 seconds to start for any action
4:25PM 5 background task
4:11PM 0 Re: Rails JS best practices? (jQuery + Prototype / MooTools
3:17PM 4 Downloading files not stored in database?
1:37PM 2 Multi User ActiveResource
4:56AM 12 Help with queries
3:55AM 2 seeking a rails 3 cucumber rspec example project
Saturday July 23 2011
11:05PM 6 What is considered a large Ruby Project?
10:50PM 2 [Windows] I have mysql2 (0.3.6): Rails asks for mysql2 (> 0.2.6) and doesn't start
9:18PM 2 [OSS] / [Request for Help] Rails one step installing for *nix
5:41PM 1 "About your application’s environment" not collapses
5:17PM 0 A way to talk to messaging api of linkedin through rails
2:46PM 0 crazy Passenger on board ..
10:48AM 0 Rendering of Javascript updates with Rails > 2.1
4:19AM 6 Rails 3.1 CoffeeScript not working
3:29AM 0 Creating a Universal Controller - Here's an example for anyone.
Friday July 22 2011
11:34PM 1 Newbie designing Rails app practices
7:09PM 2 ActiveSupport not including i18n?
5:13PM 0 Re: Rails JS best practices? (jQuery + Prototype / MooTools
4:21PM 0 Asset Pipeline and Sprockets
3:16PM 6 Design question
2:15PM 0 couchrest_model in Heroku Cloudant
1:23PM 1 How to create carbon copy recipents (cc) in Action Mailer for rails version 2.3.8
1:12PM 1 STI joins
11:27AM 8 rails mailer and attachments
10:13AM 1 rails3 tutorial: testing with factories
9:06AM 8 RoR for a front end web designer
8:02AM 9 Active Record Issue (I think)
5:14AM 5 errors building rails app
4:38AM 2 complex form problem
2:01AM 1 Can Docsplit be installed in HEroku
12:40AM 2 Rails in a Cloud IDE?
Thursday July 21 2011
10:15PM 2 Regular Expression help
10:07PM 1 multiple instances same model same view
9:49PM 2 Routing Questions
8:16PM 3 Talented Junior Ruby Developer Wanted!
7:53PM 4 Validation depends on Controller
6:23PM 0 sign up using gmail account into my application
5:19PM 5 Freezing one gem in Rails 3
4:33PM 6 set user IP on create
4:06PM 1 Gemfile, the asset pipeline: Why have the group :assets in your Gemfile?
3:46PM 0 Ruby On Rails Developers - Vancouver BC - Must Be Experienced
2:25PM 1 Changing $LOAD_PATH, how using own directory for required libraries?
1:18PM 1 Sunspot bus error
12:59PM 1 q: standalone authentication
11:18AM 13 1 gem installed
10:15AM 0 calendar_helper: script/plugin install http://topfunky.net/svn/plugins/calendar_helper/
10:14AM 0 Strange behavior with 3.1 activerecord tests
8:43AM 5 matching roll_no then loop 3 times, next loop..
5:37AM 0 Is it possible to open particular version of browser using Watir?
5:16AM 0 Reloading a model in test mode
1:46AM 0 Urgent need for Ruby developers in DC
Wednesday July 20 2011
11:11PM 0 Workling is a daemon?
11:00PM 4 Setup database on new clone
10:52PM 1 joining sqlite tables?
9:08PM 5 after_create callback and update trigger syntax
8:59PM 7 How to bypass required field in form
6:38PM 1 cache-money and rails 3
5:45PM 2 left outer join condition
1:24PM 9 ESI meets ERB, with some odd results
1:04PM 2 polymorphic assoc seems only best for multiple parents ?
12:18PM 2 can :layout option be passed to render a partial for a collection?
11:04AM 3 PostgreSQL + database.yml - how do I tell it to ignore the fact that other sessions are open in the database?
10:52AM 1 Time.zone is nil creating problems
8:11AM 0 why remove "Rails.root/test/mocks/test"
5:58AM 3 API authentication
5:07AM 7 Any way to get all records from a partial into a JavaScript array to test?
4:42AM 2 destroy_all function with nullify.
1:32AM 6 Creating 2 or 3 models in one form
Tuesday July 19 2011
9:32PM 0 Problem with nested form using collection_select and date_select
8:18PM 5 invoke a class method on an array of objects?
7:31PM 2 Autosubmit a form via AJAX (Rails 3.1)
6:08PM 2 Error of Testing index (undefined)
5:54PM 1 Re: Rails JS best practices? (jQuery + Prototype / MooTools
5:17PM 2 associations seemed saved in console, but aren't
4:54PM 8 HAML partial IF/ELSE, how can I DRY this up?
4:29PM 0 asset host
3:50PM 0 Render Nested form via Ajax
3:44PM 2 Blocks in erb
11:18AM 0 Ruby on Rails Entwickler gesucht
11:05AM 6 please help me to complete this task.. how i start?
9:55AM 2 Basic Setup and Architecture...
9:40AM 0 Setting up omniauth with salesforce login in rails 2.3.8( ruby 1.8.6)
9:24AM 12 Im very new and having trouble
6:45AM 2 ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection in development and production envs
5:07AM 3 What does "require tree" do in Rails 3.1?
5:01AM 0 Ruby on Rails Tutorial Chapter 8 Signup Success
3:55AM 1 Difficulty figuring out this model association..
1:23AM 12 Printing nested data to screen
1:12AM 4 Restful Users
12:36AM 0 Gem Packaging Basics:
12:34AM 0 Using blocks in erb / abingo
Monday July 18 2011
11:23PM 0 Re: Rails JS best practices? (jQuery + Prototype / MooTools
10:04PM 2 sqlite problem
8:01PM 0 error of render
6:29PM 1 rails server being aborted due to mysql lib file not available
5:44PM 2 display image
4:09PM 0 error of redirect page (Controller Test)
1:58PM 0 rails_admin & carrierwave
1:44PM 5 error of testing redirect in controller
1:39PM 1 Railties config.time_zone
9:53AM 0 Mailer multiparts order , :parts_order doing nothin ..
8:58AM 0 [gem] Rails Exception Handler released
5:16AM 0 Eager Loading with scoping
1:42AM 0 gtalk
Sunday July 17 2011
10:59PM 4 Re: Rails JS best practices? (jQuery + Prototype / MooTools
10:29PM 1 modify default gemset for new projects
10:20PM 8 refreshing multiple activerecord objects referring to same database record
10:10PM 1 Warnings in rails installation
9:27PM 13 accepts_nested_attributes_for doesn't show output
4:45PM 4 Re: Trouble passing variable
12:12PM 1 do tests save anything in the test db?
Saturday July 16 2011
10:11PM 0 Is it possible to manually wrap a form field in a field_with_errors div after validation?
9:22PM 7 bundler does not work as advertised!
2:25PM 0 nested_form gem don't work for accepts_nested_attributes_for :limit
11:34AM 6 spork error: Gem::LoadError
11:21AM 2 What web server is recommended to install on windows 2003?
8:31AM 4 Simple Active Record Query fails on Ruby 1.9.2 not on ree-1.8.2
7:44AM 9 rake aborted!
7:09AM 0 Syntax for declare a method as post in rails 2.3.5
2:14AM 7 Ruby on Lion: How to have multiple ruby versions running?
12:11AM 0 short term contract - seeking ruby developer
Friday July 15 2011
10:05PM 2 Ruby on Rail freelance developers needed
9:13PM 3 Ruby variable that embeds html tags
7:42PM 1 NoMethodError for innerText
6:10PM 3 Newbie Needs Help!
5:50PM 3 Simple search of entire database?
4:56PM 4 Help with paperclip
1:15PM 1 Rails 3 app has strange behaviour with Mysql2 database
12:34PM 0 file 'lib' not found, install rails3
12:02PM 15 Serialize Nested Hash Problem!
10:43AM 1 RSpec RoR3
4:46AM 3 http.rb:681: [BUG] Segmentation fault
Thursday July 14 2011
11:30PM 0 MultiparameterAssignmentErrors
10:35PM 0 Carrierwave + RMagick - how to upload generated Image? (no form)
10:12PM 0 subclasses with inherited_resources?
10:00PM 1 RoutingError with RSpec Controller test on Scoped Route
10:00PM 1 attr_accessor and uploaded files
9:59PM 5 testing: click_link error I can't track down
9:56PM 0 Problem with time_select
9:51PM 2 Heroku Db migrate not working
9:47PM 1 ActiveSupport::OrderedHash disappears?
9:38PM 1 puzzled by polymorphic related error
9:12PM 0 Seeking Feedback on Rails Development Platform
8:53PM 3 Have Admin add users, not the Devise Sign Up form
8:47PM 2 belongs_to --- has_many should update automatically?
6:15PM 10 Devise confusing routes
5:58PM 4 Re: Work with two tables in one controller
5:50PM 1 migration options
5:13PM 0 ruby-1.8.7 + mysql-5.1.58 = Mysql::Error: #08S01Bad handshake
4:25PM 0 Help with time_select?
3:39PM 0 iconv installation error (no intern.h file)
2:17PM 0 How to resolve this error.
1:23PM 1 cucumber-rails + rmagic on windows
12:18PM 3 After deleting the record , page is redirecting to Edit scree.
10:42AM 1 Rails with BitKeeper
9:50AM 0 Converting an Uploaded File to a string while maintaining binary data
9:30AM 3 What's a good alternative to Uploadify?
8:47AM 1 rails 3.0.9 ArgumentError (redundant UTF-8 sequence):
8:46AM 3 error while running "rails server", could not find gem mysql 0.2.6
8:10AM 0 How to deploy, Rails 2 application to site5 server
7:41AM 0 rails.vim, Rextract error: "no such directory"
4:00AM 1 functional testing unobtrusive JavaScript to update a portion of a page
3:52AM 1 Trying to understand the ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile class
1:45AM 6 help on validation
1:40AM 4 what is the difference between using group_by in a scope as opposed the controller?
1:13AM 0 help with split command
Wednesday July 13 2011
10:33PM 1 SQL Server com Ruby on rails
8:00PM 0 Asking feedback, just finished a plugin and its a little unusual.
7:23PM 5 Including associations with dynamic conditions
7:15PM 1 Re: Work with two tables in one controller
5:00PM 0 RestClient posting multipart issue - RestClient::Found Exception: 302 Found
4:23PM 2 Requirement For Ruby On Rails loc:Holmdel,Nj
3:19PM 2 Returning different represenations of the same resource based on some condition in API
2:55PM 1 need to post an email attached file
2:47PM 14 Using timezone javascript to set Time.zone
2:37PM 2 Rails application Up-gradation
2:08PM 5 Adding a sequence to a migration
1:43PM 1 Upload large files to BLOB
9:39AM 4 Validations not working?
8:51AM 0 jqgrid rails3.1rc4
Tuesday July 12 2011
9:02PM 4 user data in session or instance variable?
7:58PM 1 Dynamic Select Menus
7:18PM 2 Weird problem between windows and mac versions of some code
6:22PM 3 testing foreign key of rails fail
5:05PM 4 Command line can't find sqlite3
3:20PM 2 Wizard form with different models
2:07PM 1 Unable to install Rmagick + rails 2.3.9 + ruby 1.8.7 + windows Xp + bundler
11:55AM 0 mixins with an AR class not working, why?
9:35AM 2 How to write render expectation in Controller Spec?
9:02AM 7 different code for each record, how to implement??
7:52AM 0 Is this a bug in Rack?
6:12AM 1 rails 3 plugins
5:52AM 0 how to create dropdown from a hash in rails 3
4:55AM 0 help on rails 3.0.9 jquery ajax render html
2:51AM 1 is Rack right for this?
Monday July 11 2011
7:56PM 2 Need Ruby on Rails Developer
5:45PM 0 stuck with permissions in using FileUtils
5:41PM 39 Help filling out a registration (I think it's called multi tenant)
4:51PM 1 when iterating tables with ActiveRecord::Base.connection, how do you check if a string is equal to the current table iteration?
4:05PM 36 has_many and belongs_to association
2:07PM 2 Can't get this Rspec test to pass
1:56PM 0 Zena 1.1.0 + dreamhost
1:45PM 0 2 job openings
12:39PM 0 [JOB] Medidata Solutions is looking for Ruby on Rails Developers for our Uxbridge, UK office
12:38PM 0 [Job] Medidata Solutions is looking for Ruby on Rails Developers for our New York City office
7:36AM 3 Help with Helpers
7:08AM 0 Rails freelancers in Delhi?
6:14AM 2 Pre-populating association
5:32AM 4 How to Install ruby 1.9.2/1.9.1 and Rails 3.x on Ubuntu
3:49AM 5 rails installation problem
Sunday July 10 2011
10:21PM 9 Duplicate Record Detection
8:36PM 1 Rails 3 routing errors - how to remove "?format=" so no more 406 Not Acceptable responses?
5:57PM 0 need help for formating timestamp on round trip: db -> browser -> db
5:51PM 0 Columnize text?
3:37PM 2 is there any Time function to gat a duration from string ?
3:01PM 8 Preventing serialization of attributes in the model
9:35AM 0 Enterprise menu - yet another try on creating internal DSL for defining menus - easy of course!
7:20AM 2 form validation
2:28AM 2 Best server for rails 3
Saturday July 9 2011
7:45PM 0 ActiveRecord modules inclusion verification and future-proofing in extensions
4:59PM 2 Zip files on Amazon s3 bucket
2:34PM 1 Help with modules and subfolders
2:07PM 1 New Rails project, which version?
7:56AM 0 Bundler Hangs
5:25AM 14 Best way for social networking in rails
5:09AM 1 Is it possible to use a site layout *without* a controller?
4:35AM 4 Chat client In rails
Friday July 8 2011
10:19PM 1 RoR view question: pre-selecting radio box
9:02PM 0 RoR programmer position open in NYC and California
8:56PM 1 Social Network
8:21PM 1 adding anchor in the controller
8:19PM 2 error of testing has_many :through
7:58PM 0 who is using rails_config?
7:29PM 8 Validating for Real Zipcodes
4:43PM 7 Authentication and authorization
4:17PM 0 [Job] Ruby on Rails Developer Opportunity in Austin, TX
1:43PM 0 Ubuntu 11.04 autotest + ZenTest + libnotify not work
1:23PM 0 Looking for Help/Advice on StackOverflow Question - Polymorphic Association with STI
12:30PM 3 How to remove RUBY, GEM, RVM completely in ubuntu?
11:16AM 0 Rails 3 subdomain routing
7:54AM 1 ROR Developers for SMALL/LONG TERM Project
5:45AM 1 excel or pdf attachments in mail for rails -2.3.8 version .
Thursday July 7 2011
10:58PM 1 RoR programmer position open in NYC
9:31PM 0 Question of uploading large file using carrierwave, uploadify and nginx upload module
5:34PM 1 Passenger error when application is online
5:31PM 0 Install substruct ROR - Errors!!
5:12PM 0 Environment set up on a G4 Mac PowerBook running Tiger 10.4.1
4:37PM 0 Rails3 Mailer html / text versions order
4:31PM 2 error of should validate_presence_of (shoulda)
3:58PM 3 Newline in string ...
2:59PM 4 Question on memory usage, garbage collector, 'top' stats on linux
2:41PM 0 has_one through belongs_to
2:23PM 0 How Rails SessionStore Middleware is loaded
12:36PM 2 simple form question
11:51AM 0 looking for a RoR developer
11:28AM 2 add_index question
11:27AM 6 Best text editor for iPad ?
10:18AM 0 Where I can find the log files of thin webserver
9:54AM 0 Avoid monolithic applications -> architecture doubts
8:56AM 5 Fast identification (maybe fingerprint) using Ruby?
8:09AM 8 Rack::Bug for Rails 2.2.1
7:14AM 7 Web hosting for ruby on rails application
5:49AM 2 Rails 3.1 + jQuery + jQuery UI = data is null
1:47AM 3 require 'spec_helper'
Wednesday July 6 2011
11:56PM 0 uninitialized constant
7:23PM 0 undefined method `post' and 'assign'
7:19PM 5 undefined method `post' and 'assigns'
7:07PM 0 undefined method `assigns' and undefined method `post'
4:50PM 0 newbie: stuck at deploying whenever via cap
3:40PM 5 Monkey patching a gem (rails_admin, with Rails 3)
3:27PM 0 TourWrist.com is hiring a Ruby on Rails developer.
1:57PM 2 Rails 3 where query for nested attributes
12:29PM 1 Sending excel file as Mail attachment
12:16PM 1 Sending Excel file as a Mail attachment in ROR
11:23AM 4 Speeding up rails boot time in development?
10:44AM 3 Functional testing of own actions
7:49AM 0 unit test using sql file
7:35AM 4 How to integrate Ruby code with HTML?
5:56AM 2 Rails 3 find where
2:46AM 0 Problem of rake spec
Tuesday July 5 2011
11:34PM 2 Using Capybara to select from a collection_select call (select tag)
9:50PM 3 Coffee script not working on Rails 3.1.rc4
7:19PM 9 How to implement a schedule of recurring events?
7:15PM 0 USPS Labels from Webapp
6:12PM 3 Active Record track changes with update_attributes
5:20PM 0 Error of rake (rake spec)
4:03PM 4 Problem of "rake spec"
10:55AM 0 Upgrading application Rails2 -> Rails3.
10:53AM 0 Problem in accessing bucket of my AWS S3 account
10:21AM 0 how to pass validation error message to another page?
9:40AM 3 3.1RC4 or 3.2
6:40AM 1 Best way to auto-resize uploaded images...
5:53AM 0 How to encode a string for saving into cookie
5:42AM 4 ruby script/server giving error
3:52AM 1 Filtering out some requests before they hit Rails
3:24AM 7 error of "rake test" command
2:54AM 3 error of uninstall gem
1:04AM 6 Textastic or Koder?
Monday July 4 2011
11:26PM 0 Improve your performance, install active_reload
6:42PM 0 (urgent) Testing Controller of Rails
3:35PM 13 Set the ruby default version with using rvm
12:18PM 0 unable to run multiple rails applications on passenger+nginx
9:52AM 2 ruby and rails wont work even they're already installed
6:48AM 1 multiple input record, single model (without nested model)
6:08AM 4 rake db:create:all gives the error ??
2:34AM 2 when use mongoid , Model.count can't work.
12:53AM 1 Why does rendered.should have_field pass when it shouldn't?
Sunday July 3 2011
7:10PM 11 when to add validations to database
4:15PM 1 Does the asset pipeline (RoR 3.1) waste cycles?
1:29PM 0 Web services - json-rcp
1:19PM 3 Can't upload files when WEBrick running in daemon mode.
6:48AM 1 displaying attribute from related table with a collection_select
Saturday July 2 2011
9:17AM 2 How to load a gem's .rb files AFTER Rails is loaded
7:45AM 0 ROR Developers @ $15 per hour
7:28AM 11 How to update Ruby gem version?
Friday July 1 2011
9:57PM 2 handling my custom exceptions , is that right ?
6:41PM 3 three RoR pos, paying $200k for top talent
5:31PM 0 config.cache_store file path ignored?
3:48PM 1 Gemfile.lock -- when is it appropriate to delete
3:31PM 6 Help with email
3:11PM 0 Error creating a validation in model when i have a before_filter on my controller
12:31PM 10 ROR Programmers?
10:46AM 4 Edit a model with has_many and at the same time adding a new object associated.
9:57AM 0 layout of http://apidock.com/rails.
5:34AM 0 trouble with rails-ckeditor gem "form_tag"
1:23AM 12 How to format dates and telephones in form_for?