the line
redirect_to :action => index
should be
redirect_to :action => :index
or is it just a typo? i don''t know why it''s not throwing an
complaining that there''s no index variable so maybe it''s just
a typo.
On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 2:22 AM, rixter
<> wrote:
> ROR newbie here...
> I''m trying to build a form to upload a CSV file, then parse and
store the
> data. I have debugged this code up this point, but now when I browse to my
> csv file, and click Upload, I get this error:
> "Missing template uploads/process_file.html.erb in view path..."
> Here is my view (in /uploads/new.html.erb)
> <% form_tag ({:action => ''process_file''},
> :multipart => true) do %>
> <%= file_field_tag ''file'' %>
> <p>
> <%= submit_tag "Upload" %>
> </p>
> <% end %>
> Here is my controller, (in /controllers/uploads_controller.rb)
> def process_file
> post = Upload.import(params[:file])
> flash[:ok] = "data imported"
> redirect_to :action => index
> end
> and here is my model (in models/upload.rb):
> def self.import(file)
> FasterCSV.foreach(file.path,:headers=>"first_row",
:col_sep=>"\t") do
> |row|
> # here is where we will parse the data but just this stub for now:
> row.each{|row| puts "row: #{row.inspect}"}
> end
> end
> Can anyone please point out my dumb error here?
> Would sooooooooo appreciate the help (this forum rocks....have learned a
> bunch here.....)
> --Rick
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