On Tue, Oct 10, 2006 at 03:44:27PM -0700, behnam rashidian
wrote:> Sorry to interrupt, just a quick question...
> I need to find out if openssh has any functions that would read some memory
> chuck and transfer that chunk over SSH ( what I mean here is SFTP), except
> that I don't want it to open a file and read it and transfer it since
> will not be enough storage space to store files. Therefore I need to have
> some functions that would stream the data as they arrive on the fly. Please
> let me know if such function exists in this package.
Why must you use SFTP, which is a "file transfer protocol"?
What you want is trivial with straight SSH:
ssh foo at host cat /some/file | process_file
cat /some/file | ssh foo at host process_file