Hi Dries, I had the same problem some time ago and needed a solution
for myself. Here''s the post I followed to successfully install
Whenever it aborts for missing packages, just install what''s left
through ports and resume the installation. That''s the only correct
installation method I found for me. Hope it works for you.
On Nov 15, 11:02 am, Dries Steenhouwer
wrote:> Hello,
> I start using RVM for using Rails 3 and Rails 2 for some applications.
> At the moment I can''t install the rmagick gem in the new Ruby
> environment.
> I use Mac OSX and I installed already imagemagick via ports and this was
> working before using RVM, I succeed also to install the rmagick gem
> before installing RVM.
> Here is the output of the install command :
> http://pastie.org/1299253
> Can somebody help me further with this problem?
> Greets,
> Dries
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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