On Nov 2, 2010, at 7:16 PM, dpal wrote:
> I have a User model that validates password presence:
> validates :password, :presence => true,
> :confirmation => true,
> :length => { :within => 6..40 },
> Password is never stored in the db. Now the problem is that the user
> has a:
> belongs_to :owner, :polymorphic => :true
> This means it contains a key to the owner. When setting the owner, the
> user.save will be called and the password validation will fail as
> password is not present at that time. I also have several other data
> like user.personal_message that I was updating through save, :validate
> => false.
> How can I still keep my password validations and be able to internally
> call save and run all but those validations(I.E I only want the
> password validations to run when user edits the user or creates a new
> user). Its really important to validate when editing( on update)
Only validate :password :on => :create. If they are editing their user
account and change only their name for example, you don''t want or need
to validate their password as they aren''t changing it.
Also, only validate it''s confirmation/length if it or it''s
confirmation exists.
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