> <%= form.input :first_name%>
> <%= form.input :last_name%>
> <%= link_to_function "clear", :id => ,
"this.up(''li'').remove()" %>
> This works fine but the link is located outside of the <li> tag which
> causes the formatting to be weired. How can I generate this link and
> position it within the <li> tag it is supposed to remove? I think the
> answer might be very simple, i am just not clear about how to move an
> elements while creating it.
I would recommend you do it either as:
<%= form.input :last_name, :links => [{:name => "clear",
:function =>
"this.up(''li'').remove()"}] %>
<% form.input :last_name do %>
<%= link_to_function "clear", :id => ,
"this.up(''li'').remove()" %>
<% end %>
Either way you''re going to have to amend your custom form builder.
form builder is already outputting the <li>. If you''re doing it
the second
way (which I''d recommend as it''s more flexible) remember you
can''t have <%with do/end so you have to use concat to output the
content if block_given?
(within your input method).
Alternatively, you could do it with jQuery or something similar - give the
link a class and then have a DOM ready event move any items with that class
within the previous sibling.
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