2009-Sep-28 04:11 UTC
New Canadian Center for Architecture website powered by Rails
The Canadian Centre for Architecture launched recently the beta version of its new website. The Canadian Centre for Architecture is an international research centre whose main concern is to defend the idea that architecture is a public concern which affects our everyday lives. Its new website aims at bringing this philosohpy online by sharing enormous ressources with the public such as lectures, podcasts, images and content from one of the world''s greatest architecture archive. The website was developped by the company I work at called Bluesponge (http://www.bluesponge.com) during the last year using Rails 2.2.2. It uses things such as the liquid template engine, thinking sphinx, globalize2, javan-whenever, authlogic and a lot of other cool pieces of software developped by the rails community. It sports a custom content management system built with ExtJS where Rails made it very easy to do all the server-side JSON handling for all the ajax calls. The website is served off a Ubuntu 8.04 LTS server running Apache2 and Passenger and it is backed by a PostgreSQL 8.3 database. We must say that Rails simplified our lives greatly during the development process and this website most probably would not be the same without it. Big thank you to the community for prividing us with this great framework to work with. You can go and visit the website at http://cca.qc.ca/