So i want to view only one student booklet, who i define by using a combo box (select). It only do reads, no writes <% form_for :student_booklet, :url => student_booklet_path do |f| %> <%= :student_booklet, @user.student_booklet.all.collect {|b| [b.school_year.year, ]}.sort.reverse)%> <%= submit_tag ''Show'' %> <% end %> the box shows the year´s of the booklet, sorted, on selection i should go to the show method, but: student_booklet_path should take an :id, so it knows were to go, but how do i pass the id of the selection? right now it goes to http://localhost:3000/student_booklets/kid793LXJ, were kid793LXJ is the user login name. it sould do something like http://localhost:3000/student_booklets/30/, were 30 is the booklet id just to test, i hardcoded the path by doing student_booklet_path(30), doesnt work, it produces http://localhost:3000/student_booklets/30, notice the lack of /, i get the error No action responded to 30 @user.student_booklet.all.collect{|b| [b.school_year.year, ]}.sort.reverse seems hacky, any idea how to improve it any help to solve/improve it? Grats Celso Costa