Shuaib Zahda wrote:> Hi there
> I am wondering on how can i thumbnail the pictures height and width
> based on ratio
> let''s say that my design is limited to a fixed size. and I want to
> keep the image looks nice and not stretched. e.g. the width is 200 and
> the height is 200
> in case that i have an image that is tall, it will break the design. I
> am looking for a way on how to check which is bigger the width or the
> height and based on that make the thumbnail
> Thanks
IIRC, the resize option of
:thumbnails => { :thumb => ''100x100>''}
keeps the aspect ratio (at least with Rmagick / Imagemagick)...
1024x768 becomes roughly 100x75, while 500x768 becomes roughly 65x100.
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