Suppose I have a model, ''Associate'', and it has a string member, ''branch''. Sometimes branch can end with a percent sign (%) and sometimes not. I have a form to display the Associate data. In the branch field, I am simply putting whatever text is in branch, before (to the left of) the input box. In the input box itself, I either want to show the % sign if branch ends in %, or, nothing. How can I specify this? Below is my stab at it -- SUppose the branch is ''34%'' , Of course, the way I have it, what shows in the text box is the full branch of 34%, wherein, in this case, it should just be %. <% form_for @associate do |f| %> <%= f.label @associate.branch.split("%") %><%f.text_field :branch %> <% end %> (In my model, I have a before_save. which will set branch to that original portion of branch left of the %, plus whatever is in the text box. In so doing, no one can ever bring themselves up the branch- coding tree, see?) -JannaB