URL paramaters are usually passed as a hash, with that if a new key
matches and existing key the new key/value pair will overwrite the
existing key/value pair thus preventing duplicate entries.
On May 26, 11:47 am, Jian Lin
wrote:> i think PHP doesn''t have such simple functions yet... does Ruby
> it?
> if in PHP, when we add a param to the URL
> $redirectURL = $printPageURL . "?mode=1";
> it works if $printPageURL is "somesite.com/print.php",
but if
> $printPageURL is changed in the global file to
> "somesite.com/print.php?newUser=1", then the URL
> badly formed. If the project has 300 files and there are 30 files that
> append param this way, we need to change all 30 files.
> the same if we append using "&mode=1" and $printPageURL
changes from
> "somesite.com/print.php?new=1" to
> "somesite.com/print.php", then the URL is also badly
> is there a library in Ruby/Rails that will automatically handle the
> and "&", and even checks that existing param exists already
and removed
> that one because it will be replaced by the later one and it is not good
> if the URL keeps on growing longer?
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com.