Never heard of that happening - can you post a stack track from the
log where it gets the 500?
--Matt Jones
On May 12, 2:09 pm, JannaB
wrote:> This is very peculiar -- I am using (I am using MySQL 5.0.27-
> community) If I create a table with the following schema.....
> CREATE TABLE `associates` (
> `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
> `username` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '''',
> ...
> ...
> `tstamp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update
> PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
> things in AS work swimmingly. However, if I add a column (anywhere in
> the table, here I am just putting at the end) that is a text type,
> call it `notes` (or even make, say varchar(500) ) as follows:
> CREATE TABLE `associates` (
> `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
> `username` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '''',
> ...
> ...
> `tstamp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update
> `notes` text NOT NULL,
> PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
> When I go to do an edit on the table, regardless of whether I add any
> data to the notes field or not, and I save it, It won''t come back
> when I go to edit it again (I get a 500 error). It saves the values
> into the db correctly when I go directly into the db and look at the
> changes -- but it wont come back up when I go to edit it without
> generating
> a 500 error.
> I am using the latest version of Rails (2.3) , Ruby and
> ActiveScaffold. Has anyone
> experienced anything like this trying to use a large text field with
> MySQL ?
> thank you, Janna B