On Apr 29, 2009, at 8:25 AM, Rodrigo Felix wrote:
> I''ve just started a project and I''ve been having some
basic doubts.
> Firstly, I created my db schema using a db modeling tool. Then I
> generated the tables according to that model. After I created the
> schema.rb. The database.yml is ok and also the first migration. My
> doubt is: when I run script/generate scaffold Post for example, it
> creates my view without any field, even if all the tables are
> created and my migration before scaffolding has the correct
> definition to the Post table. Instead of using the current
> migration, the scaffold command creates a new one. Is there any way
> to run scaffold and do not create a new migration without fields? I
> wouldn''t like to write down the schema of each table every time I
> wanted to use scaffold.
You probably want to either:
1. Move beyond using the scaffold and roll your own code once you
understand what''s going on
2. START with the scaffold as a place to begin and let it create the
initial migration, model, controller, etc.
> Second doubt: Can I run script/generate model Post without create a
> new migration or write down the fields definition? I''d like to use
> what is on the database and on the current migration (the whole
> schema)
You can run just:
script/generate model
to get help on the generator (or just script/generate to see what
generators are available)
You want the --skip-migration option. You can also just create your
own model file (and test or spec file to go along with it).
> Thanks in advance
> --
> Rodrigo Felix
> Web Developer
You''re Welcome,
Rob Biedenharn http://agileconsultingllc.com
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