I have a quick solution for this for now. Its a very ugly hack. If
someone has a better way to handle this, please do enlighten..
This is the modified error_messges_for method in application_helper.rb
with the ugly hack. (Rails 2.1.0 and before)
def error_messages_for(*params)
options = params.extract_options!.symbolize_keys
if object = options.delete(:object)
objects = [object].flatten
objects = params.collect {|object_name| instance_variable_get
("@#{object_name}") }.compact
count = objects.inject(0) {|sum, object| sum +
object.errors.count }
unless count.zero?
html = {}
[:id, :class].each do |key|
if options.include?(key)
value = options[key]
html[key] = value unless value.blank?
html[key] = ''validation_error''
options[:object_name] ||= params.first
error_messages = objects.map {|object| object.errors.collect{ |
column,error| content_tag( :span, error + "<br/>" ) unless error
="is invalid"} }
#The above line is where i remove the column from the error
message, and also the error itself if it says "is invalid"
contents = ''''
contents << content_tag(:div, error_messages)
content_tag(:div, contents, html)
On Mar 28, 11:59 am, Ram
wrote:> Hi,
> Consider 2 models Project and Task with Project has_many Tasks and
> Task belongs_to Project.
> In a multi model form where I accept the Project name and its task
> names (Ryan Bates'' complex forms 3), when I have a
> validates_presence_of :name for the Task model, the error messages
> that show up for two blank tasks is
> Task is invalid
> Task is invalid
> Name cannot be blank
> Name cannot be blank
> Now ive got error_messages_for overridden to display only the messages
> i pass to it. But I dont know how to remove the "Task is invalid"
> of it. It is completely unnecessary for me. How can I remove that
> default error message for the associated model?
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