The ''loadTextURL'' option for Ajax.InPlaceEditor
is for that kind of problem. I haven''t checked whether it works with
tinyMCE. However, reading the implimentation for
the ''loadTextURL'' option will help probably.
On Mar 21, 4:34 am, acts_as_jason
wrote:> Anyone able to get in place editing with tinyMCE working.
> I have tried to implement this:
> Everything seems to be working, except when the tinyMCE editor loads,
> it ignores the current markup.
> For example:
> I have 2 paragraphs in p tags and 1 unordered list.
> When I click the highlighted area, the tinyMCE editor loads, but all
> the text is on one line. If I click the html button if the advanced
> editor, it shows that all the content is wrapped in 1 p tag.
> Any ideas????
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