<%= STATES[location.state.to_sym] %> ?
MaurĂcio Linhares
http://alinhavado.wordpress.com/ (pt-br) | http://blog.codevader.com/ (en)
On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 4:06 PM, Sav
> I inherited an app that created STATES & COUNTRIES as global hashes in
> config/environment.rb
> STATES = {}
> STATES[:AL] = ''Alabama''
> STATES[:AK] = ''Alaska''
> STATES[:AZ] = ''Arizona''
> ...
> I''m able to render the name correctly like this...
> <%= STATES[:AK] %>
> But what is the syntax to call that dynamically? This does not
> work...
> <%= STATES[location.state] %>
> Thanks, I''m stumped on this noob issue.
> >
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