Go into your "public" directory (in your project) and rename the
index.html to something else
Open config/routes and near the top add
"map.resources :my_tests"
Kill the process (control + c) and restart with script/server
That should do it
On Jan 17, 11:52 pm, Ramya
wrote:> Hi,
> I am to learning Ruby on Rails with Rolling with Ruby on Rails
> orilley handout.
> I created an empty application by using rails command.
> Then i created my own controller using the command.
> ruby script \generate controller MyTest
> This created a new controller file.
> I used the porthttp:// starting the rails
> inbuilt server.
> but i get the Routing Error.
> No route matches "/My_Test/index" with {:method=>:get}
> but when i just give the port alone it says Ruby on rails running in
> your system.
> I just followed the tutorial but couldnt get through this step.
> http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2005/01/20/rails.html?page=2
> Can anybody help me with this
> Regards
> Ramya
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