I could solve the problem!
There was a wrong entry in my /etc/hostname file.
It looked like this:
I''ve solved this issue by setting the correct hostname, using the `$
hostname www.example.com` command.
Lukas Rieder
On Sep 30, 3:02 pm, Lukas Rieder
wrote:> Hello,
> I''ve setup up Mailing on my Rails app. The setup uses smtp with
> (tested) correct settings.
> But all the mails sent through UserMailer have no subject and look
> like this:
> (Begin)
> #Debian-40-etch-64-minimal.tmail>
> Subject:www.paperc.de- Deine Registrierung bei PaperC!
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> [...](Content stripped)
> Could you please help me how to solve this problem?
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