On 30 Jul 2008, at 00:37, John Do wrote:
> My controller rm_grants_controller.rb snip:
> class RmGrantsController < ApplicationController
> def dump
> File.open(''db/backup/rm_grants.yaml'',
''w'') { |f| f.puts
> RmGrants.find(:all).to_yaml }
> end
> end
> This creates ''db/backup/rm_grants.yaml'' whose content
look like
> ---
> - !ruby/object:RmGrant
> attributes:
> key1: value1
> key2: value2
> key3: value3
> attributes_cache: {}
> - !ruby/object:RmGrant
> attributes:
> key1: value1
> key2: value2
> key3: value3
> attributes_cache: {}
I''m guessing that this code has been slightly edited from
actually in your app. Please be careful when you do this as errors
produced (or omitted) in the process (the code above contains several
typos and so) can make things very confusing.
I''m guessing you just want to dump the object attributes (ie the
database attributes). An active record object contains some other
instance variables that track a bunch of stuff, so you''re not dumping
quite what you want, so you probably want something like
RmGrant.find(:all).collect {|record| record.attributes}.to_yaml
> Now, I want to reconstruct ActiveRecord from the yaml file, so in
> rm_grants_controllers.rb
> def load
> records = YAML.load_file(''db/backup/rm_grants.yml'')
> records.each do |record|
> @rm_grant = RmGrant.new(params[record])
> @rm_grants.save!
> end
> end
I''m not entirely sure what you were thinking here. Why are you using
params at all?
This should just be @rm_grant = RmGrant.new(record) (assuming you''ve
made the change I suggested above)
> But that doesn''t do what I hope, which is to re-create all the
> records. All it does is create empty records.
> puts record.inspect shows
> #<YAML::Object:0x5d26950 @class="RmGrant",
>> {},
> "key3"=>"value3"}}>
> But I have no idea what this means nor how to decipher it.
> >
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