I''m thinking that perhaps the answer to my second issue with GeoKit is
simply needing to concatenate the fields for my address form into a
string, however, no matter what I try I get errors. Any suggestions on
how to do this?
On Jul 6, 5:11 pm, "Jeff.Corcoran"
wrote:> I am new to rails and have been scouring the web for the past two days
> trying to figure out 2 things.
> 1) I am currently using a form with 2 models. The first is person, the
> second is address. I attempted to duplicate the two models on one form
> as seen in Advanced Rails Recipes and Railscasts, and they work fine -
> except when there are validation issues on the address piece it just
> returns saying "Addresses is invalid". I would much rather it say
> "Street Address is blank" or "City cannot be blank" any
ideas on how
> to do this?
> 2) In using the GeoKit plugin I am attempting to use the
> acts_as_mappable piece so when I create an address it adds the lat and
> lng to the DB. If I choose just 1 field and specify it this works fine
> and the table populates, but I want to concat all of the form values
> (Street_Address_1, City, State, Postal_Code, Country) and pass these
> in as the location. It appears GeoKit expects address to be a single
> field - which will not work for my application. I am not opposed to
> using another plugin, it just seems GeoKit is overall the easiest.
> Any help would be greatly apperciated, and please go easy on me, I am
> attempting to learn RoR on and old AWDWR book, and Advanced Rails
> Recipies.
> >Using Rails 2.1, Windows XP Machine if that helps.
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