I have a resource that can take latitue and longitude. I have defined
those in the DB as:
t.decimal :lat, :precision => 15, :scale => 10
t.decimal :lng, :precision => 15, :scale => 10
I have set the route so I can pass those in a restful way:
map.nearby ''/messages/nearby/:lat/:lng/:range/'',
:controller => ''nearbies'',
:action => ''index'',
:conditions => {:method => :get}
So I can pass a URL like:,4/1,3/73
However the 0,4 and 1,3 are strings and when they are used for latitude
and longitude they become 0.0 and 1.0
I see two options:
1- Convert 0,4 to 0.4 (I need decimal, :precision => 15, :scale => 10)
2- Allow decimals in the URL (..messages/nearby/0.4/1.3/73)
Is option #2 possible?
Any hints to realize any of them?
I have not succeeded converting the string...
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