Hi there, I''m building an indexbar that has two parameters:
- It''ll display the current item, its siblings and it''s
siblings (recursively) to a height provided in variable.
- It''ll stop climbing if we reach a certain depth as defined by
another variable.
An example:
* Home
* Products
o Products Home
o Product Category 1
o Product Category 2
+ Category Home
+ Product 1
+ Product 2
# Overview
# Specifications
# Enquire
+ Product 3
+ Product 4
o Product Category 3
o Product Category 4
* Applications
* Services
* Links
* About Us
* Contact Us
The current page is Overview and the rest is built around it.
The problem I''m facing is that I''d like to top it from ever
higher than level 2 (That is the level that has the product
categories), so the indexbar would look like:
o Products Home
o Product Category 1
o Product Category 2
+ Category Home
+ Product 1
+ Product 2
# Overview
# Specifications
# Enquire
+ Product 3
+ Product 4
o Product Category 3
I would like to be able to provide a variable (the number 2 in this
case) and have my code stop when it detects that the current tree
depth is equal to two.
I can think of many hacky ways to do this, but I''d like this check to
be as inexpensive as possible. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Here''s the code:
def index_bar_range(tree, component_instance_id, bar_parameters,
# This indexbar will behave as follows:
# It starts at the level of the current component instance and
shows its siblings
# It then shows its parents siblings surrounging it and its
siblings (recursively)
# It will stop when it gets to the max depth or when it gets to
the level of the site
# that is defined as the top level to display - or it hits home
return unless bar_parameters.length == 2
@depth ||= bar_parameters[1].to_i
ret = "\n<ul>"
tree.each do |node|
if node.parent_id && node.parent_id =component_instance.parent_id
&& availability_checks(node)
ret += "\n\t<li" + if @component_instance &&
node.id =@component_instance.id then " class=\"uber\"" else
'''' end + ">"
ret += link_to h(node.name), {:action => ''show'',
=> ''/'' + node.component.technical_name, :id =>
node.instance.id }
ret += rett if rett && node.id == component_instance.id
ret += "</li>\n"
ret += "</ul>\n"
@depth -= 1
# Go upward and put all those parents in
if component_instance.parent_id && @depth != 0 ############ This
is where I''d put the check for the level
index_bar_range(tree, component_instance.parent_id,
bar_parameters, ret)
@depth = nil
return ret
def availability_checks(node)
node.isEnabledRecursive? && node.viewable?(user) &&
node.parent.authenticated?(session, user) && !
node.component.backend_only &&
&& node.instance.private)
def sitetree
@sitetree ||= ComponentInstance.find_current(:all, :order =>
This is all in a helper and we just call it from a view providing the
parameters and the currently viewed item.id. I''m using acts_as_tree.
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