Yes, but update_attributes will look for a child_hash_name= method in
your model. It''ll pass in the child hash. Check out the "complex
forms" railscasts--that goes over everything you need.
-----Original Message-----
From: rubyonrails-talk-/
[mailto:rubyonrails-talk-/] On Behalf Of
Bob Cober
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 8:06 AM
To: rubyonrails-talk-/
Subject: [Rails] ActiveRecord update_attributes with nested hash
Can the parameter hash passed to update_attributes include nested hashes
for child models related through has_many?
For example, if A has many B, can the parameter hash passed to A
include a nested hash for B?
It seems the hash can include attributes for A e.g. one level deep.
Thanks for any advice....
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