My bad... I was calling the service on the wrong port.
As always, all work and no sleep make Rey9999 go blind.
On 22 Mag, 15:58, Rey9999
wrote:> Hello everyone,
> I am experiencing some difficulties with a web service I''m
> This webservice has a login method which checks some credentials
> against an user database. Everything works beautifully so far.
> Now I''m trying to add a method which creates an instance of an
> (which, incidentally, belongs_to an user).
> So i added the following to my api and service definition:
> class MywsApi < ActionWebService::API::Base
> inflect_names false
> api_method :login, :expects => [[:string]], :returns => [[:int] ]
> api_method :newThing, :expects => [[:string]], :returns => [:int]
> added this line
> end
> class MywsService < ActionWebService::Base
> web_service_api MywsApi
> def login(name, password)
> #does stuff to authenticate
> end
> def newThing(session_id, param1, param2) #<-Added this method
> @user = User.find(session_id)
> @thing={:user => @user, :field1 =>
> param1, :field2=> param2})
> if
> return 0
> else
> return 1
> end
> end
> end
> The login method works perfectly, but when I fire the newThing event I
> receive a most saddening:
> "http 405: method not allowed".
> Am I missing something? do I need to add anything elsewhere to get
> another method working?
> Any help would be immensely appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Rey9999
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