I can''t seem to be able to get a very basic cache working on my user
model. I have the following in the user model
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
acts_as_cached :include => [:user_videos, :user_images, :user_interests,
than in the user_controller I have
@user = User.get_cache(params[:id])
so far so good, right? if I run memcached -vv in interactive mode this
is what I see. The first hit, stores and the second one just serves up.
<1840 set app-development:User:6654 0 1800 2845>1840 STORED
<1840 get app-development:User:6654>1840 sending key app-development:User:6654
>1840 END
But in both the development.log and the mysql query log, I see database
calls being made (every time, not just the first time) against user,
user_videos, user_images, etc.
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