I''d been using an old version of the helper. I downloaded the current
version of in_place_editor_field plugin and passed the option:
<%= in_place_editor_field .., .., :script => true %>
Works fine now. Cheers.
On Mar 6, 3:41 pm, keeny <m...-p+/i8dfuZsj10XsdtD+oqA@public.gmane.org>
wrote:> Hi all,
> I''ve had a read thru similar topics on the list but am still
> confused...
> I want an in place editor to call an action that does some rjs, not
> just return a text string.
> Normally the action would do something like:
> def edit
> # model.update(params[:value]
> render :text => params[:value]
> end
> But I want to do more stuff:
> def edit
> # model.update(params[:value]
> render :action => ''edit.rjs''
> end
> What options do I need to use in the view to evaluate the javascript
> returned? At the moment the javascript is just being displayed in the
> field as a string.
> I have hacked together the following, but is there a cleaner ''more
> rails'' way to do this?
> <%= in_place_editor @model.id, :url => {:action =>
''edit'', :id =>
> @model.id},
> :complete => "function(transport, element){
> // Id rather use rjs to do my javascript than have it in
the view
> like this.
> $
> }" %>
> Any advice greatly appreciated,
> Barry.
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