You can use @form_authenticity_token to get the value that should be
passed. You can either embed it in the url
(:authenticity_token=>@form_authenticity_token) or play around adding
it as a hidden_field. You might also investigate using form_for
instead of form_tag; I think it automatically includes the
authenticity token for you.
The different results from protect_against_forgery makes sense
depending on how you did your testing. It only requires the
authenticity token when it''s processing an html submitted form.
On Feb 3, 1:53 pm, Andy
wrote:> I''m using Rails2.0.2 and I''d like to use against CSRF
feature in my
> form.
> This form is generated from the controller using partial rendering.
> def commentform destination=""
> render :partial=>''forms/commentform'', :locals
> { :url=>destination }
> end
> and commentform looks like this
> <% form_tag(:controller=>''comments'',
:action=>''create'') do %>
> <div class="commentform">
> <%= token_tag %>
> <label for="nucleus_cf_body"><%=
> label>
> <%= text_area :comment, :cbody, "cols" =>
40, "rows" => 10 %><br />
> <label for="nucleus_cf_name"><%=
text("_COMMENTFORM_NAME") %></
> label>
> <%= text_field :comment, :cname, "size"=>40
%><br />
> <label for="nucleus_cf_mail"><%=
text("_COMMENTFORM_MAIL") %></
> label>
> <%= text_field :comment, :cmail,
"size"=>40, "maxlength"=>80 %><br /
> <label for="nucleus_cf_email"><%=
> label>
> <%= text_field :comment, :cemail,
"size"=>40, "maxlength"=>60 %><br /
> <%= check_box_tag("remember", value =
"1", checked = false) %>
> <label for="nucleus_cf_remember"><%=
> %></label><br />
> <%= submit_tag(text("_COMMENTFORM_SUBMIT"))
> </div>
> <% end %>
> but token_tag doesn''t produce any tag, and I get
> InvalidAuthenticityToken error.
> I tried to debug and found that protect_against_forgery? returns
> false.
> I tested the method from the controller but at that time it returned
> true.
> What should I do to generate the token?
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