Sorry that I were not able to describe my problem a bit better.
I have two controllers questions and answers. When I''m creating a new
question, I need to add some answers to this question. So I''m going to
the answer controller and adding some answers with some images to the
*session*, because I don''t want to save answers at this moment (maybe
a question will not be created, and also for the easy save... for
example: @questions.answers = session[:answers] So
I''m adding my answers to the session... and when I''m trying to
this temporary answers, I need to show images for every answer.
The question: how can I output images from the temporary (session)
I see only two ways how to do that, but maybe that isn''t a best
1) save uploaded_data to a temporary file (the problem, sometimes we
need to cleanup the temporary folder);
2) output from some answer action, for example named "temporary_image"
the uploaded_data to a browser.
Thank you again,
On Jul 25, 7:41 pm, "Ramon Miguel M. Tayag"
wrote:> Hi Solid. Sorry, could you repeat your question? Attachment_fu
> automatically knows how to read the "uploaded_data" part in the
> field.
> On 7/25/07, Solid
<> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I''m using the attachment_fu right now and I don''t
know how to get the
> > image from session to the browser, before I''ll save it. How
to output
> > uploaded_data to the browser?
> > (I think there are two ways: 1) saving into the temporary file; 2) or
> > get it straight from the action; )
> > Dmitry
> --
> Ramon Tayag
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