> Suppose someone gave us fresh HTML to import as eRB (.rhtml). Such as from
> an obsolete PHP project. We ought to upgrade, cleanse, and pretty-print
> that HTML like this...
> tidy -i -asxhtml old.html > new.rhtml
Below my sig is a program to temporarily replace <% and %>
with <!--% and %--> and run Tidy. Save it as
''tidyErb.rb'', and use this
usage line:
usage: ruby tidyErb.rb <filename.rhtml> >output.rhtml
''filename.rhtml'' and ''output.rhtml'' may not
be the same file. The program
wastes a file called ''scratch.html'', with no attempt to avoid
any source
files with the same name...
As a convenience, the program reports diagnostics to STDERR. Obey them (per
assert_tidy), to improve your programs!
Note that Tidy treats <!-- --> as flow-tags not block-tags. (My verbiage.
<em> is a flow-tag, and <div> is the cannonical block-tag. Tidy
the former.)
Searching for <% and moving them to their correct indentation (such as for
<% end %>) is a small price to pay for clean HTML!
Oh, also, review my gsubs to see if they match what Tidy did to your
comments, and <%%> nested inside attributes. If I return to this project,
will just upgrade Tidy...
"Test Driven Ajax (on Rails)"
assert_xpath, assert_javascript, & assert_ajax
if ARGV.size != 1 or !File.exist?(filename = ARGV.first)
puts ''usage: ruby tidyErb.rb <filename.rhtml>
rhtml = File.read(filename)
escaped = rhtml.gsub(''<%'',
File.open(''scratch.html'', ''w''){|f|
f.write(escaped) }
system(''tidy -i -asxhtml -m scratch.html'')
html = File.read(''scratch.html'')
html.gsub!(''<!--'', ''<!--'') #
undo Tidy''s CGI-nanny escapes
html.gsub!(''-->'', ''-->'')
html.gsub!(''%3C!--%'', ''<!--%'')
html.gsub!(''%20'', '' '') # TODO nest this
html.gsub!(''%--%3E'', ''%-->'')
rhtml = html.gsub(''%-->'',
puts rhtml
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