On Jul 19, 2007, at 6:52 , Kathleen Kennedy wrote:
> I''ve tried many times and never made it stick? Here goes another
It looks like you''ve used pretty much the same explanation at least
the last couple of times. If you''re having trouble getting responses,
you might want to alter the description of the issue you''re having,
and/or describe what you''ve done or tried since you''ve last
> Now, what happens if there are a group of parents built into the
> instance variable of the controller?;
> @parentscope = Parent.find([1, 2, 3])
> We call the nested RESTful route like this;
> parent_child_path(@parentscope)
I''m not sure I''m following here. Not having tried this myself,
this something that actually works? I''m not sure what it means for a
nested resource to have multiple parents. What URI do you expect the
parent_child_path(@parentscope) to return?
parent/1/parent/2/parent/3/child/n/ ?
parent/1/2/3/child/n/ ?
An array of three URIs, one for each parent?
I''m thinking that it doesn''t make much sense. It sounds like
you''re interested in is the child, regardless of the parent, so
generate a URI that goes to a non-nested route, e.g., child/n/. The
associations between the parents and children aren''t stored in the
URI, so it''s not like you''re going to lose anything by having
a non-
nested route.
Though I think I''m not understanding the issue. Could you explain it
in more general terms, rather than describing the technical parts of
it? What are you trying to accomplish?
Michael Glaesemann
grzm seespotcode net
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