This is due to not having at least "hoe" and maybe
"rubyforge" gems not
also updated.
Just do a global update if you don''t have any others, but otherwise
try going into irb and directly including the memcache-client lib.
# irb> require ''rubygems''
> gem ''memcache-client''
You should get an error here about what''s missing.
Krates Ng wrote:> I am trying to use memcache-client to store session. I have found great
> instructions online. However, I keep getting error and fail to start
> rails on radrails.
> I have "gem install memcache-client":
> ============ gem list ==============> memcache-client (1.3.0)
> A Ruby memcached client
> ====================================>
> I''ve configured with the following:
> =========== environment.rb ==============> require_gem
> do |config|
> config.action_controller.session_store =:mem_cache_store
> end
> memcache_options = {
> :compression => true,
> :debug => false,
> :namespace => "pr-#{RAILS_ENV}",
> :readonly => false,
> :urlencode => false
> }
> memcache_servers = [ '''' ]
> CACHE.servers = memcache_servers
> ActionController::Base.session_options[:cache] = CACHE
> ===========================================>
> I keep getting either of these errors (depending on whichever one comes
> first in environment.rb:
> =========== errors ==============> uninitialized constant
CGI::Session::MemCacheStore (NameError)
> <or>
> uninitialized constant MemCache (NameError)
> ==================================>
> memcache-client appears to have loaded properly with require_gem. I
> tried changing the config many times, but keep getting these errors.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> thanks a lot!
> -Krates
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