sure you could do that, but the problem is that most likely your
columns are going to have more differences than just the name of the
column, so you''d have to structure your loops around you individual
columns...when its all said and done, it would most likely have just
been easier to spell each one out. not only that, but the method that
everyone tends to use is very readable.
# all same type, easy enough
[:name, :description, :location].each do |col|
add_column col, :string
now try that when all your columns are different types, lengths, not
null, unique, have default values, etc...not so easy now.
On 7/12/07, Dustin Anderson
> Hi All,
> Hoping this is an easy question... Can I loop through add_columns?
> I''ve got a bunch of columns that I need to add to a table... I
> really want to type "add_column" 30 times... and then
> another 30 times
> Is there an easy way to just loop through the is so my migration
> look like this?:
> def self.up
> add_column :enrollments, :fname
> add_column :enrollments, :lname
> add_column :enrollments, :email, :string
> add_column :enrollments, :school_type, :string
> add_column :enrollments, :number_of_students, :string
> add_column :enrollments, :school_name, :string
> add_column :enrollments, :internet, :boolean
> add_column :enrollments, :internet_quality, :string
> #(and on and on and on.....)
> end
> def self.down
> remove_column :enrollments, :fname
> remove_column :enrollments, :lname
> remove_column :enrollments, :email
> remove_column :enrollments, :school_type
> remove_column :enrollments, :number_of_students
> remove_column :enrollments, :school_name
> remove_column :enrollments, :internet
> remove_column :enrollments, :internet_quality
> #blah blah blah...
> end
> Thanks!
> --
> Posted via
> >
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