Hi Pete,
In your case group_by returns a hash where the keys are sections and
the values are arrays of stories, so you need to do something like
in your controller:
@s = Story.find_recent_public_stories
@story_lookup = @s.group_by{ |story| story.section }
in your view:
<% @story_lookup.each do |section, stories| %>
<h2><%= section.name %></h2>
<% for story in stories %>
... do something with story ...
<% end %>
<% end %>
Ryan Bates has a Railcast on group_by: <http://railscasts.com/episodes/
On Jul 10, 12:38 pm, Pete
wrote:> Hi there,
> I''m working on my first real rails application (meaning not one
out of
> a book), and I''m not quite sure how to display the results of a
> grouped query. This is what I have in my controller:
> @s = Story.find_recent_public_stories
> @stories = @s.group_by {|story| story.section}
> In my for loop, I''ve tried various combinations of things like
> @stories.section.name, but so far, I haven''t had any luck.
> @stories.to_xml and @stories.to_yaml works fine, though. Everything
> else returns a NoMethodError.
> My ultimate goal is to get a list of stories sorted by category.
> Thanks!
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