This it really depends on what the relationships are between these
tables. One way would be to use a has_many, or has_many :through
relationship between users and people... Use :through if you want to
add other information to your access table... like this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :access
has_many :people, :through => :access
... Then you could get all the people like this:
user = User.find(some_id)
@people = user.people
or like:
user = User.find(some_id)
@people = user.people.find(:all, :conditions => blah)
Not sure if this is the exact syntax... find more here:
It sounds like what you really want is RBAC (Role Based Authentication
Have a look at ActiveRBAC:
Good luck,
On Jun 27, 2:11 pm, Robert Scott
wrote:> If anyone could help me figure this out, I''d appreciate it alot.
> I''m playing around with the Scriptaculous autocomplete function,
> per the demonstration on their page looks like this in the controller:
> def auto_complete_responder_for_contacts(value)
> @results = People.find(:all,
> :conditions => [ ''LOWER(fullname)
LIKE ?'',''%''
> + value.downcase + ''%'' ],
> :order => ''fullname ASC'',
> :limit => 8)
> render :partial => ''contacts'' and return
> end
> There are three database tables...
> 1. People - id, fullname, email
> (Stores the contact information of the people)
> 2. Access - id, people_id, user_id
> (If a user has access to particular contact, it records that contact and
> that user''s id in a new row)
> 3. User - id, username, password, etc.
> (Stores the user account data)
> In short, not all users get access to the same contacts although there
> will be some overlap, which prevents me from assigning any particular
> contact simply to one user alone.
> The question:
> How could this controller be modified so that users only see contacts
> that they have access to? Ideally, this would be because there is a
> matching pair in the Access table. Once the system finds a match between
> the user input and the database in question, it then checks to make sure
> that there is a row in the Access table that has both the people_id and
> user_id necessary. If not, discards it.
> Thank you for your time!
> --
> Posted via
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