I''m trying to blend an old ( and I mean old :) legacy system with a new
rails side. The old system used basic authentication, and in attempting
to create a seamless integration between the two, rails will need to use
basic authentication also. Problem is, we''re not just wanting to
protect a few pages, but if they''ve logged in to carry that state
with the pages. With basic authentication, the only way to do this is
by using ( adjusting ) the url. So we need to have two urls to the same
page, but one will check for authentication and one wont.
Since in rails a different url means a different method, right now ( and
I hate to do this and will look into all suggestions you guys might
have! ) I have two methods for each rails page, each rendering the same
view, one is protected and one isn''t. But what I need is a way for the
view to know which method called it, and based on that to adjust any
link_to''es accordingly. So I might have a "list" method, and
an "rlist"
method, and the view would need to see that "rlist" called it and
it''s links to say "redit" and "rshow" instead of
"edit" and "show".
If there''s a routes.rb solution which could get rid of the dual methods
I''m *all* ears, but seems the view is still going to need to detect
which method called it.
Thanks for any ideas and info!! Oh yea.. and I''m using a plugin for
basic authentication in rails.
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