use partials?
<%= %>
<ul><%= render :partial => ''node'', :collection
=> node.children %></ul>
2007/4/3, Dmitry Yakovkin
> Hi evrybdy,
> I have a very simple Albums hierarchy:
> class Album < ActiveRecord::Base
> has_many :books
> end
> It''s trivial to display a treeview in script/console:
> >> def pt(a)
> >> pre='''';a.ancestors.size.times
{pre<<'' ''}
> >> p
> >> a.children.each { |al| pt al }
> >> end
> => nil
> >> pt Album.find 1
> "root"
> " child1"
> " subchi1"
> " chi2"
> " subchi2"
> Of course, "p" would not work inside a view, so I google for a
> and find out about "concat". But concat would not work either
> "undefined _erbout <blah-blah>".
> I was stuck for a while until finally this came to mind:
> <%
> def print_tree(a,out)
> pre='''';a.ancestors.size.times {pre<<''
> out <<"<br>"
> a.children.each { |al| print_tree al,out }
> end
> print_tree Album.find(1), _erbout
> %>
> So my question is: why is _erbout out of scope in my inside method?
> And what is The Proper Rails way for recursive output? Buffer into a
> temp variable? Or something else? And why is it not possible to have
> HTML output inside method definition? (like:
> <% def foo (bar)%>
> <h1><%=bar.to_s%></h1>
> <% end %>
> (disclaimer: of course I know that tail recursion is trivially reduced
> to loop. And treeview should probably be AJAX-ed)
> >
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